
Quake map for Copper custom mod for Speedmapping 227 - Thunderbolts and lightning

sm227_chuma map (general info)

Author credits

Map name : Thundervarium

Author of the original map: Chuma

Co-Authors and Collaborators (mapping/design) :

The disciples of Shub-Niggurath ("crew")

  • Makkon (Skyboxes)
  • bmFbr (technical/coding)
  • Mopey Bloke (testing and bug finding)
  • Alunadrern and Yuyi (custom sky creation and FOG/sky values)

Co-Authors and Collaborators (music):

  • Repulsive


You need Copper 1.30 version specific for Speedmapping 227 map.

The making of the maps and Facts

About the map (details/facts)

The theme of SM227 was/is "Thunderbolts and lighting", i simply said : ok let's do a map where the main focus is using the Lightning gun (as if taking things literally huh?), i really playtested the map a lot so the player doesn't run out of LG ammo.

I used a func_door that act as a button, that points to a trigger_counter to open the main door before the map climax, i was doing this in a personal copper 1.30 map and i decided to do it here... there's a slight issue where the player MAY fall stuck with the button, but it seems benign and solvable with noclip (i apologize), regardless, chances of this bug happening are low.


Special Thanks

  • Spootnik
  • Forte
  • CommonCold
  • RecycledOJ
  • Kirotael
  • Dominus
  • Damaec
  • Dany
  • Nepta
  • Admer
  • Em3raldTig3r
  • Quake Mapping community (Slipseer and Quaddicted)
  • Quake Champions community (Nyx's and Dez's communities hugs for them always)
  • Quake speedrunning community
  • New Blood Interactive
  • David's Shack discord
  • Bully squad

Extra: Who are "The Disciples of Shub Niggurath"?

I have frequent people that help me on with my maps, so it is with coding projects, so i decided to make a small group list(non-related or attached) of those that help me, the intention is that it sounds like a band, so, i'll list it as it was written with some modifications (this is some sort of "wholesome meme", don't worry, just Chuma being Chuma/ myself being myself):

The Disciples of Shub Niggurath:

  • Chuma (main mapper)

  • Forte (Co mapper and designer, helps a lot)

  • CommonCold (Co mapper and designer also Deadpool, helps a lot)

  • EmeraldTiger (Co mapper and designer also a Kamen Raider, helps a lot but has a Kamen raider suit more points)

  • bmFbr (Technical/Coding/design assistance , John Carmack in disguise but he denies it)

  • Admer (Technical/Coding/design assistance, if bm is John Carmack, Admer is an Eldritch entity)

  • Makkon (Art assistance , Adrian Carmack would be proud except he hasn't made a statue)

  • MopeyBloke (Tester, he da best bug finder and feedback)

  • RecycledOJ (Compatibility tester, He is the only one using Quakespasm and not the spiked one)

  • Yuyi and Alunadrern (They are my best friends but they actually give me RGB values when i ask them for feedback and help (FOG and Sky values), so in theory they are the "Sun and moon" of "Chuma's Quake maps universe" {Thanks for this joke Admer}