
How to setup Jenkins CI on EC2 with https access

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


How to setup Jenkins CI on EC2 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) with https access.

This task took me three hours reading a lot of web pages and lots of trial and error. To make your life easier this is what you need to do to setup a Jenkins CI instance using your AWS account.

I've tested this process and it took exactly 5 minutes to get to the https login screen of the new jenkins instance. Most of that time is waiting for the scripted installation of components on the AWS instance.

Create an EC2 instance

  • open AWS Console in browser
  • go to EC2
  • select Launch Instance
  • select Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
  • select t2.micro (I use t2.small to get more memory for my greedy build)
  • select Configure Instance Details
  • tick Enable termination protection
  • select Add Storage
  • change size to preferred (I use 100GB for our large enterprise builds)
  • select Add Tags
  • set value to Jenkins
  • select Configure Security Group
  • add rule HTTPS
  • select Review and launch
  • select a key pair
  • select Launch Instance
  • In EC2 go to instances, once instance running then select instance and click Connect
  • copy ssh command in the example to terminal and run (you'll need your referenced key file present in that directory)

Deploy jenkins

Login to the instance using the ssh command mentioned above. Then run:

wget --no-cache https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidmoten/jenkins-ec2-https/master/setup.sh && chmod +x setup.sh

Now edit the file setup.sh and edit the top block of parameters with the values you want to see in the generated certificate for jenkins website.

# I use vi, you might use nano or anything else you're comfortable with
vi setup.sh

Now run setup:


Now go to https://your_instance in the browser and paste in the last line output by the setup.sh script into the administration password in the browser. If the browser times out go to the same url again (make sure it's https). That's it!
