


Let’s implement a list class.

Task 1:

First you are asked to implement class OWList (standing for “one-way list”). You have definitions of classes ListNode and OWList as follows:

     class ListNode
            friend class OWList; //make OWList a friend
            friend class TWList; //make TWList a friend

            ListNode( const int &info ) //constructor
            : data( info ), nextPtr( NULL )
            } //end ListNode constructor

           int data; //data
           ListNode *nextPtr; // next node in list

       }; //end class ListNode

       class OWList
            //default constructor
            //insert node at front of list
            void insertAtFront( const int &value );
            //remove node from front of list
            void removeFromFront();
            //is List empty?
            bool isEmpty() const;
            //display contents of List
            void print() const;

            ListNode *firstPtr; //pointer to first node
            ListNode *lastPtr;  //pointer to last node
         }; // end class OWList

        Requirement: Implement the member functions

         1. “OWList::OWList();”: initializes the two pointers firstPtr and lastPtr as NULL.

         2. “OWList::~OWList();”: deletes allocated dynamic memory space.

         3. “void OWList::insertAtFront( const int &value );”

         4. “int OWList::removeFromFront();”

         5. “bool OWList::isEmpty() const;”

         6. “void OWList::print() const;”

Task 2:

Implement another class TWList (standing for “two-way list”), which is derived from class OWList:

    class TWList:public OWList
         //default constructor
                /*It will still work correctly if you omit the constructor call of the base class in the above member                            initializer list. The compiler will invoke this default constructor of OWList implicitly.*/
                 /*You don't need to delete the list again because the

                    compiler will invoke the destructor of the base class OWList to do this.*/
          //insert node at back of list
         void insertAtBack( const int &value );
          //delete node from back of list
         void removeFromBack();


        Besides the functions inherited from OWList, TWList has two more functions: insert a node at the end of             the list and remove a node from the end of the list.

       Requirement: Implement the member functions

        7. “void TWList:: insertAtBack( const int &value );”

      8.“int TWList:: removeFromBack();”


  1.  This problem involves three files.

    function.h: Class definitions. function.cpp: Member-function definitions. main.cpp: A driver program to test your class implementation.

You will be provided with main.cpp and function.h, and asked to implement function.cpp. function.h

#ifndef FUNCTION_H

#define FUNCTION_H


class ListNode


friend class OWList; //make OWList a friend

friend class TWList; //make TWList a friend


ListNode( const int &info ) //constructor

: data( info ), nextPtr( NULL )


} //end ListNode constructor


int data; //data

ListNode *nextPtr; // next node in list

}; //end class ListNode

class OWList



//default constructor




//insert node at front of list

void insertAtFront( const int &value );

//remove node from front of list

void removeFromFront();

//is List empty?

bool isEmpty() const;

//display contents of List

void print() const;


ListNode *firstPtr; //pointer to first node

ListNode *lastPtr;  //pointer to last node

}; // end class OWList

class TWList:public OWList



//default constructor




    /*It will still work correctly if you omit the constructor call of the base

      class in the above member initializer list. The compiler will invoke this

      default constructor of OWList implicitly.*/





    /*You don't need to delete the list again because the compiler

      will invoke the destructor of the base class OWList to do this.*/


//insert node at back of list

void insertAtBack( const int &value );

//delete node from back of list

void removeFromBack();


#endif main.cpp



#include "function.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


TWList integerList;

int command;

int value; // store node value

while (cin >> command)




    case 1: // insert at beginning

        cin >> value;



    case 2: // insert at end

        cin >> value;



    case 3: // remove from beginning



    case 4: // remove from end








  1.  For OJ submission:
     Step 1. Submit only your function.cpp into the submission block.
     Step 2. Check the results and debug your program if necessary.


There are four types of command:

“1 integerA” represents inserting a node with int value A at the head of the list.
“2 integerB” represents inserting a node with int value B at the end of the list.
“3” represents removing the node at the head of the list
“4” represents removing the node at the end of the list

Each command is followed by a new line character.

Input terminated by EOF. Output

The output should consist of the final state of the list.