- 0
- 1
Error after importing into a project
#31 opened by axvemi - 1
Error in LegacyServer.cs and NextServer.cs
#34 opened by Seven7FootRat - 1
Error While Importing FizzyFacepunch to a project
#35 opened by szymsun - 2
Steam Deck Crash with Mirror + FizzyFacepunch
#33 opened by dhamster - 0
Error after importing Facepunch to a project
#30 opened by fabroGAMING - 1
How to choose SteamSockets?
#29 opened by marcospgp - 1
- 0
- 0
Receive many errors on connect when connecting on an intentional my own steam id
#16 opened by scriptsengineer - 2
- 7
Empty connections when Host after Client
#13 opened by piotr-shishkov - 12
ClientSend and ServerSend signature error
#22 opened by mickev36 - 0
Mirror 44.0.0 support
#18 opened by kutase - 0
- 1
Get Player SteamId from Player GameObject
#17 opened by etaxi341 - 1
NetCommon.MAX_MESSAGES value of 1024 triggers exception in Facepunch.Steamworks because it's out of the defined range of [1..256]
#11 opened by jasedeacon - 2
- 3
Cannot ban or kick
#6 opened by takeNoC - 0
FizzyFacepunch could not initialise: Calling SteamClient.Init but is already initialized
#7 opened by linjmeyer - 2
FizzyFacepunch could not initialise: SteamAPI_SteamNetworkingSockets_v008
#5 opened by LoneSurvivor82 - 2
Server List
#4 opened by xxCody - 1
Friend invites
#3 opened by Xioshock - 5
No unitypackage available ?
#1 opened by mickev36