
Awesome Deep Group Recommendation is a collection of SOTA, novel deep group recommendation methods (papers, codes, and datasets).

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Awesome Deep Group Recommendation is a collection of SOTA, novel deep group recommendation methods (papers, codes, and datasets). Any other interesting papers and codes are welcome. Any problems, please contact yueliu19990731@163.com. If you find this repository useful to your research or work, it is really appreciated to star this repository. ✨


Model-based Group Recommendation

Deep Group Recommendation

Year Title Venue Paper Code
2023 Group-Aware Interest Disentangled Dual-Training for Personalized Recommendation (IGRec) arXiv Link Link
2023 GroupMO: A Memory-augmented Meta-optimized Model for Group Recommendation (GroupMO) arXiv Link -
2023 PEGA: Personality-Guided Preference Aggregator for Ephemeral Group Recommendation (PEGA) arXiv Link -
2023 Dependency Relationships-Enhanced Attentive Group Recommendation in HINs (DREAGR) arXiv Link -
2023 Multi-view Graph Convolution for Participant Recommendation (MVPRec) arXiv Link Link
2023 Overcoming Data Sparsity in Group Recommendation (CAGR) IEEE
Link -
2023 Group Buying Recommendation Model Based on Multi-task Learning (MGBR) ICDE Link Link
2023 Improving Group Recommendations using Personality, Dynamic Clustering and Multi-Agent MicroServices RecSys Link -
2023 Self-Supervised Group Graph Collaborative Filtering for Group Recommendation (SGGCF) WSDM Link Link
2023 Ranking-based Group Identification via Factorized Attention on Social Tripartite Graph (CFAG) WSDM Link Link
2023 LINet: A Location and Intention-Aware Neural Network for Hotel Group Recommendation (LINet) WWW Link -
2023 ConsRec: Learning Consensus Behind Interactions for Group Recommendation (ConsRec) WWW Link Link
2023 Beyond Individuals: Modeling Mutual and Multiple Interactions for Inductive Link Prediction between Groups (MMAN) WWW Link -
2023 Group Identification via Transitional Hypergraph Convolution with Cross-view Self-supervised Learning (GTGS) CIKM Link -
2023 Multi-Granularity Attention Model for Group Recommendation (MGAM) CIKM Link -
2023 Federated News Recommendation with Fine-grained Interpolation and Dynamic Clustering (FINDING) CIKM Link -
2023 Dual Intents Graph Modeling for User-centric Group Discovery (DiRec) CIKM Link Link
2022 Thinking inside The Box: Learning Hypercube Representations for Group Recommendation (CubeRec) SIGIR Link Link
2022 Task-optimized User Clustering based on Mobile App Usage for Cold-start Recommendations (DAUC) SIGKDD Link -
2022 CrossCBR: Cross-view Contrastive Learning for Bundle Recommendation (CrossCBR) SIGKDD Link Link
2022 Exploiting Group Information for Personalized Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks (GGRM) ACM TOIS Link -
2022 Enumerating Fair Packages for Group Recommendations (FAPE) WSDM Link Link
2022 GBERT: Pre-training User representations for Ephemeral Group Recommendation (GBERT) CIKM Link -
2021 Social-Enhanced Attentive Group Recommendation (SoAGREE) IEEE
Link Link
2021 Hierarchical Hyperedge Embedding-based Representation Learning for Group Recommendation (HyperGroup) ACM
Link Link
2021 Hypergraph Convolutional Network for Group Recommendation (HCR) ICDM Link Link
2021 DeepGroup: Representation Learning for Group Recommendation with Implicit Feedback(DeepGroup) CIKM Link Link
2021 Double-Scale Self-Supervised Hypergraph Learning for Group Recommendation (HHGR) CIKM Link Link
2021 Knowledge-Aware Group Representation Learning for Group Recommendation (KGAG) ICDE Link -
2021 Group-Buying Recommendation for Social E-Commerce (GBGCN) ICDE Link Link
2020 GroupIM: A Mutual Information Maximization Framework for Neural Group Recommendation (GroupIM) SIGIR Link Link
2020 GAME: Learning Graphical and Attentive Multi-view Embeddings for Occasional Group Recommendation (GAME) SIGIR Link -
2020 Group Recommendation with Latent Voting Mechanism (GroupSA) ICDE Link -
2020 An Efficient Group Recommendation Model With Multiattention-Based Neural Networks (MAGRM) IEEE T-NNLS Link -
2020 Socially-driven multi-interaction attentive group representation learning for group recommendation (SGAGR) Pattern Recognition Letters Link -
2020 Context-Aware Restaurant Recommendation for Group of People SERVICES Link -
2019 Interact and Decide: Medley of Sub-Attention Networks for Effective Group Recommendation (MoSAN) SIGIR Link -
2019 Social Influence-Based Group Representation Learning for Group Recommendation (SIGR) ICDE Link -
2019 GRADI: Towards group recommendation using attentive dual top-down and bottom-up influences (GRADI) ICBD Link -
2019 Group Recommendation via Self-Attention and Collaborative Metric Learning Model (SACML) IEEE Access Link -
2018 Attentive Group Recommendation (AGREE) SIGIR Link Link
2018 Context-Aware Group Recommendation for Point-of-Interests IEEE Access Link -
2018 An observational user study for group recommender systems in the tourism domain Information Technology & Tourism Link -
2018 How to Use Social Relationships in Group Recommenders: Empirical Evidence UMAP Link -
2016 Recommending New Items to Ephemeral Groups Using Contextual User Influence RecSys Link -
2014 Deep Modeling of Group Preferences for Group-Based Recommendation (DLGR) AAAI Link -

Traditional Model

Year Title Venue Paper Code
2014 Probabilistic Group Recommendation Model for Crowdfunding Domains (CrowdRec) WSDM Link Link
2014 COM: a Generative Model for Group Recommendation (COM) SIGKDD Link -
2012 Exploring personal impact for group recommendation (PIT) CIKM Link -

Memory-based Group Recommendation

Preference Aggregation Group Recommendation

Year Title Venue Paper Code
2012 CoFeel: Using Emotions for Social Interaction in Group Recommender Systems RecSys Link -
2010 Enhancing Group Recommendation by Incorporating Social Relationship Interactions GROUP Link -
2010 Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Product Rating with Partial Information TKDD Link -
2009 Preference Aggregation in Group Recommender Systems for Committee Decision-Making RecSys Link -
2008 A group recommendation system with consideration of interactions among group members Expert System Application Link -
2006 TV Program Recommendation for Multiple Viewers Based on user Profile Merging UMUAI Link -
2005 Adaptive Radio: Achieving Consensus Using Negative Preferences GROUP Link -
2004 More Than the Sum of Its Members: Challenges for Group Recommender Systems AVI Link -
1998 MusicFX: An Arbiter of Group Preferences for Computer Supported Collaborative Workouts CSCW Link -

Score Aggregation Group Recommendation

Year Title Venue Paper Code
2015 ART: group recommendation approaches for automatically detected groups IJMLC Link -
2010 Group Recommendations with Rank Aggregation and Collaborative Filtering RecSys Link -
2010 Group-Based Recipe Recommendations: Analysis of Data Aggregation Strategies RecSys Link -
2010 State-of-the-Art in Group Recommendation and New Approaches for Automatic Identification of Groups. Inform. RMDE Link -
2009 Group Recommendation: Semantics and Efficiency VLDB Link -
2007 Recommendation to Groups TAW Link -
2005 Group Modeling in a Public Space: Methods, Techniques, Experiences WSEAS Link -
2002 Flytrap: Intelligent Group Music Recommendation IUI Link -
2001 PolyLens: A Recommender System for Groups of Users ECSCW Link -


Name #Users #Items #Groups #U-I #G-I #U-G Used Methods
Mafengwo 5,275 1,513 995 39,761 3,595 NA ConsRec, IGRec
Mafengwo 1,269 999 972 8,676 2,540 5,574 DiRec, CFAG
CAMRA2011 602 7,710 290 116,334 145,068 NA ConsRec
Weeplaces 1,501 6,406 4,651 43,942 6,033 12,258 DiRec, CFAG
Steam 11,099 2,351 1,085 444,776 22,318 57,654 DiRec, CFAG
Steam 375,257 2,580 849 12,181,681 25,470 NA IGRec
Beibei 125,012 30,516 430,360 NA NA NA MGBR
Yelp 7,037 7,671 10,214 220,091 11,160 NA GroupIM
Yelp 34,504 22,611 24,103 482,273 26,883 NA SGGCF
Weeplaces 8,643 25,081 22,081 1,358,458 180,229 NA GroupIM
Weeplaces 8,643 25,081 22,733 508,486 67,133 NA SGGCF
Gowalla 25,405 38,306 44,565 1,025,500 154,526 NA GroupIM
Douban 23,032 10,039 58,983 1,731,429 93,635 NA GroupIM
Douban 12,925 10,783 2,753 553,766 82,590 NA IGRec
Douban 70,743 60,028 109,538 3,422,266 164,153 NA SGGCF