
Collection of scripts for Sfm

Primary LanguagePython

Structure from Motion workflows ============

A series of shell and python scripts for Structure from motion processing using the MicMac library.

The scripts

  1. Clone/download/unzip this repo to wherever you wish
  2. Add the script folders to your path e.g your .bashrc or .bash_profile
export PATH=/my/path/micmac/bin:$PATH

#sfm scripts
export PATH=/my/path/Sfm:$PATH

export PATH=/my/path/Sfm/substages:$PATH
  1. Make them executable
chmod +x Sfm/*.sh Sfm/*.py Sfm/substages/*.py Sfm/substages/*.sh
  1. Update your paths


Sfm requires:

  • GNU/Linux or Mac OS
  • Python 3
  • MicMac


Dependency installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


See MicMac install instructions here:


For ref only - I don't recommend using GPU-aided processing with MicMac as it appears to be incomplete. With reference to GPU supported compilation specifically, the following may help:

  • Replace the GpGpu.cmake file with the one supplied here as I have added the later Pascal 6.1 architecture
  • Make sure you install and use an older gcc compiler such as 5 or 6 for the cmake bit
  • Replace k with no of threads

make install -j k


Install OSSIM via tha ubuntu GIS or equivalent repo


All in one scripts

These process the entire Sfm workflow


Sub-stage scripts

These divide the workflow into Orientation, dense cloud/DSM processing and mosaic generation. All are internal to the complete workflows.


  • This performs feature detection, relative orientation, orienation with GNSS and sparse cloud generation
  • outputs the orientation results as .txt files and the sparse cloud


  • Processes dense cloud using either the PIMs or Malt-based algorithms, ortho-mosaic, point-cloud and georefs everything


  • Orthomosaic the output of any of the above including the batch scripts


type -h to get help on each script e.g. :

sfm.sh -help


Thanks to developers and contributors at MicMac and it's forum, particularly L.Girod whose work inspired the basis of the shell scripts