
**DEPRECATED** Templates for your azure-pipelines

MIT LicenseMIT


General Maintenance - not intended License
Pipeline Azure DevOps builds
Tools tox
VC VCS Website Versioning - semantic pre-commit
Github Github - Latest Release Github - Commits since latest release Github - Last Commit
Github - Stars Github - Forks Github - Contributors Github - Watchers

No longer maintained, because I migrated to Github Actions.

First configure a github service connection

It is suggested to use a generic name, such as github so forks can also configure the same.

You can find this in Project Settings => Service connections in the Azure Devops dashboard for your project. Project settings is located in the bottom left corner of the UI as of 2020-09-02. Below I'm using the endpoint name github.

Now add this to the beginning of the `azure-pipelines.yml`:

    - repository: cielquan
      type: github
      endpoint: github
      name: cielquan/azure-pipelines-template
      ref: refs/master

This will make the templates in this repository available in the cielquan namespace. Note the ref allows you to change the template version you want, you can use refs/master if you want latest unstable version or refs/tags/<TAG> to pin the version to an specific tag.

Supported python versions

Current supported python version: - 3.6 - 3.7 - 3.8 - 3.9 (all os) - changed 0.4.0 - 3.10 (only linux) - added 0.4.0

job templates

The job templates can be found in the jobs directory.


Added in version 0.1.0.

Supported python version


This job template will run tox for a given set of tox environments on given os. Features and functionality:

  • each specified toxenv target maps to a single Azure Pipelines job, but split over multiple architectures via the image matrix (each matrix will set the image_name variable to macOs, linux or windows depending on the image used)
  • make tox available in the job: provision a python (3.8) and install a specified tox into that
  • provision a python needed for the target tox environment
  • provision the target tox environment (create environment, install dependencies)
  • invoke the tox target
  • if a junit file is found under .toxjunit.{toxenv}.xml upload it as test report
  • if coverage is requested, run a tox target that should generate the .toxcoverage.xml or .tox.coverage and upload those as a build artifact (also enqueue a job after all these job succeed to merge the generated coverage reports)
  • if coverage was requested queue a job that post all toxenv runs will merge all the coverages via a tox target
  • if set also sends coverage data to code climate


This template will:

  1. build a test matrix for the given os and architectures (win only)
  2. install a python interpreter for tox only
  3. install tox
  4. install the test target python version
  5. run global custom setup scripts
  6. run job custom setup scripts
  7. print PATH
  8. print python interpreter info
  9. print tox environments
  10. generate tox environments
  11. run tox environments
  12. upload junit file from .tox/junit.{toxenv}.xml (if present)
  13. upload coverage artifacts from .tox/* (if present)
  14. run job custom tear down scripts
  15. run global custom tear down scripts

After the steps above the template will also add a job to merge the uploaded coverage artifacts and publish them with Cobertura.


The following parameters can be set at root level:

  • dependsOn: List of jobs every tox_env should depend on. Can be overwritten for single tox_env.
  • default_python: Version of python to use when non is detectable or set (default: 3.8).
  • additional_variables: Mapping of additional variables to set for all tox_env. Can be overwritten for single tox_env.
  • checkout_submodules: If submodules should also be checked out when the repository gets checked out (default: true).
  • tox_version: Pin the tox version to use (default: newest available).
  • tox_python: Python version to use for tox (default: 3.8).
  • pre_test: List of steps to run before invoking every tox_env.
  • post_test: List of steps to run after running every tox_env.
  • tox_envs: Mapping of tox environments (key) and their parameters (values) to run:
    • display_name: Name to use for the job instead of the tox_env name. Must be set for tox_env with a '-' in their name, because dashes are not allowed in job names.
    • dependsOn: List of jobs this tox_env should depend on. Overwrites the global dependsOn.
    • os: List of os to run this tox_env on:
      • linux / lin - ubuntu-latest
      • windows / win - windows-latest
      • macos / osx - macOS-latest
      • not set - fallback to ubuntu-latest.
    • architectures: List of architectures to run this tox_env on:
      • x64 - default
      • x86 - only available for windows.
    • py_version: determines python version to use for this tox_env, if not set will be derived from the key or fallback to default_python:
      • py36 or starts with py36- - Python 3.6
      • py37 or starts with py37- - Python 3.7
      • py38 or starts with py38- - Python 3.8
      • py39 or starts with py39- - Python 3.9
      • py310 or starts with py310- - Python 3.10 latest pre-release (only available on linux -- it is installed from deadsnakes
      • pypy3 or starts with pypy3- - PyPy 3
    • additional_variables: Mapping of additional variables to set for this tox_env. Overwrites the global additional_variables.
    • pre_test: List of steps to run before this tox_env. Runs after the global pre_test.
    • post_test: List of steps to run after this tox_env. Runs before the global post_test.
  • coverage: List of settings used for coverage processing if set:
    • with_toxenv: Name of the tox_env to do coverage collecting and normalizing with. Runs after every tox_env in for_envs and as a final job report_coverage (with the merge-coverage.yml template) after all tox_env runs finished to merge the coverage data.
    • for_envs: List of tox_env to collect coverage data from. Referred tox_env must generate .tox/.coverage and .tox/coverage.xml files
  • send_cov_to_codeclimate: Boolean if covearge data should be send to code climate. Needs CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID variable to work: see notify-codeclimate.yml (default: false) Added in version 0.3.0.


The following example will run the following jobs with tox version 3.15.0 called via python 3.7:

  • pre_commit on linux with python 3.7
  • py38 on all three os and on windows also on x86
  • py39 on linux
  • pypy3 on linux and macos
  • docs_test_html on linux with default_python version 3.6
  • docs_test_linkcheck on linux with default_python version 3.6
  • report_coverage on linux with default_python version 3.6 to merge the coverage data generated by py38, py39 and pypy3.

use python 3.7 to call tox in version* 3.15.0* for

  - template: jobs/run-tox.yml@cielquan
      tox_version: '3.15.0'
      tox_python: '3.7'
      default_python: '3.6'
          display_name: pre_commit
          py_version: '3.7'
          os: [linux, windows, macOs]
          architectures: [x86, x64]
        py39: null
          os: [linux, macOs]
          display_name: docs_test_html
          display_name: docs_test_linkcheck
        with_toxenv: 'coverage'
        for_envs: [py38, py39, pypy3]


Added in version 0.2.0.


This job template will use poetry to build and publish the Python package (both sdist and wheel) to PyPI or a custom repository.


The following parameters can be set at root level:

  • python_version: Python version to use (default: 3.8).
  • dependsOn: List of jobs this job should depend on.
  • custom_repository: Boolean for using a custom repository over PyPI (default: false)

Pipeline variables

For this job to work credentials for the target repository are needed. They are served via Pipeline Variables, which you have to set in the pipelines Web-UI settings (see here for help).

If you want to publish to PyPI (which is the default) you have to set either:

  • POETRY_PYPI_TOKEN_PYPI as a secret variable


  • POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_PYPI_USERNAME as a non-secret variable and
  • POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_PYPI_PASSWORD as a secret variable

If you want to publish to a custom repository you have to set:

  • POETRY_REPOSITORIES_CUSTOM_URL as a non-secret variable

and for the credentials you have to set (similar to PyPI) either:

  • POETRY_PYPI_TOKEN_CUSTOM as a secret variable


  • POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_CUSTOM_USERNAME as a non-secret variable and
  • POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_CUSTOM_PASSWORD as a secret variable

NOTE: Currently there are issues with the token variables not being recognized by poetry as is should. As a workaround for PyPI and TestPyPI you can set the username to __token__ and the password to the token including the pypi- at the beginning.


This example builds and publishes the package to PyPI.org after the jobs report_coverage, pre_commit and docs ran successfully.

- ${{ if startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/') }}:
  - template: jobs/publish-pypi-poetry.yml@cielquan
      dependsOn: [report_coverage, pre_commit, docs]


Added in version 0.3.0.


This job template will install the code climate reporter tool and notify code climate about a new build.


The following parameters can be set at root level:

  • send_cov_to_codeclimate: Boolean if code climate should be notified. (default: false)

Pipeline variables

For this job to work a test reporter id from code climate is needed (see here for help). It is served via Pipeline Variables, which you have to set in the pipelines Web-UI settings (see here for help).

Set a variable called CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID with the id from code climate.


Inspired by:


No active maintenance is intended for this project. You may leave an issue if you have a questions, bug report or feature request, but I cannot promise a quick response time.