
My defaults.

Primary LanguageShell


The installer scripts are mostly shell script, except for the dotfiles installer script which is a python script.

Therefore you need:

  • POSIX compliant shell
  • apt package manager


Git clone repo and run setup script

git clone https://github.com/Cielquan/dotfiles.git

or oneliner with curl:

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cielquan/dotfiles/main/bin/00_setup.sh | sh && ~/.dotfiles/bin/00_setup.sh

or with wget:

wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cielquan/dotfiles/main/bin/00_setup.sh | sh && ~/.dotfiles/bin/00_setup.sh


You can find all the scripts to utilize this repo inside the /bin directory. All shell scripts below that ask for the users permission can be called with one of these switches -f | -y | --force | --yes to skip prompting and taking the default actions. You can also set this switch for the 00_setup.sh script which will than pass this switch down to the other scripts.


This shell script will install git if missing and then git clone the repo if its not called from within the repo (like in the oneliner setups above). If it is called from within it will call all the other scripts in numeric order. This script takes the -d | --dotfiles-dir argument to change the location and name of the local git repository. Defaults to ~/.dotfiles.


This python script installes the dotfiles you can find inside the /dotfiles directory. It will rename existing files by appending a suffix und then copy the files to their locations. The script can take different configuration via it's CLI. Call the script with --help for more information about its options. To uninstall the dotfiles run the python script again with the --uninstall switch. This will delete the installed files and remove the backup suffix


This script installs basic linux tooling. At first it will install ca-certificates and apt-transport-https, add the git ppa and upgrade the system. Afterwards some packages are installed. See the top of the script for the packages. Some following scripts depend on some packages installed by this script.


This script installs the starship prompt and the nerd font DejaVuSansMono for starship prompt to use. The prompt is automatically loaded by the bash config from this repo.


This script will download the LS_COLORS file from gh:trapd00r/LS_COLORS and set it up to be used if your terminal supports 256 colors.


This script installs programming langauges and some tooling for them. The deadsnakes ppa is added and from there different python versions are installed. See the top of the script for the actual versions. But it keeps the default installed one. The corresponding pythonX.Y-venv and pythonX.Y-dev packages are also installed for all versions. Then poetry is installed and configured to create python venvs inside the project dirs. Then rust and nodejs are installed.


This script installs the VS Code IDE. Afterwards my default config and keybindings are copied to there location on the system and the extensions from the extensions.txt file are installed. You can find the mentioned files in /configs/vscode directory.


Thanks to those inspiring repos: