Corporate espionage tool for testing privacy and security using OSINT and social engineering.
Cignotrack has this features:
- Extract and analyze the target images and documents metadata
- Discover whois, IP and technologies related informations
- Search target emails and social media tracking
- Search for sensitive files
- Tracking the target internet search (DNS cache snooping)
- Phishing with preloaded scenarios
Tool coded for security testing, the author decline any illegal use of this tool.
Coded by Cignoraptor.
Maybe in your machine you need install: links2 (sudo apt-get install links2) whois (sudo apt-get install whois) exiftool (sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl) sendemail (sudo apt-get install sendemail)
Usage: bash
WARNING: Not use a url like target but a domain!
Exemple: -----> This is a domain!
Tool coded for security test, The author decline any responsability for any illegal use of this tool, use at your own risk.