
A lightweight MongoDB framework with soft deletes.

Primary LanguageGo


A lightweight MongoDB framework with soft deletes. It is based on famous mongoDB adapter mgo.

I found writing simple and repetetive behaviour for different kind of mongo documents, a boring and exhausting task, so why not using a framework that takes care of this tedious task?

Getting Started:

  • Step One: go get github.com/Cih2001/songo

  • Step Two: Defining models and common methods:

type User struct {
	songo.MongoModel `bson:"timestamps,omitempty"`        //This field should be defined exactly like this
	ID               bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"` //This field should be defined exactly like this
	FirstName        string        `bson:"firstname,omitempty"`
	LastName         string        `bson:"lastname,omitempty"`

var collectionName string = "users"

// Insert inserts the model in the respective collection.
func (model *User) Insert() error {
	return model.MongoModel.Insert(model, collectionName)

// Find prepares a query using the provided document and populates the model
func (model *User) Find() (User, error) {
	result := User{}
	err := model.MongoModel.Find(model, collectionName, &result)
	return result, err

// Remove finds a single document matching the provided selector model
// and sets the field of deleted_at to now.
func (model *User) Remove() error {
	return model.MongoModel.Remove(model, collectionName)

// Remove finds a single document matching the provided selector model
// and removes it from the database.
func (model *User) RemoveHard() error {
	return model.MongoModel.RemoveHard(model, collectionName)

// RemoveAll finds all documents matching the provided selector model
// and removes them from the database.
func (model *User) RemoveAll() (*mgo.ChangeInfo, error) {
	return model.MongoModel.RemoveAll(model, collectionName)

// RemoveAll finds all documents matching the provided selector model
// and removes them from the database.
func (model *User) RemoveAllHard() (*mgo.ChangeInfo, error) {
	return model.MongoModel.RemoveAllHard(model, collectionName)

// Update finds a single document matching the provided selector document
// and modifies it according to the update document.
func (model *User) Update() error {
	return model.MongoModel.Update(model, collectionName)
  • Step Three: Using the model!
func main() {
	songo.InitSongo("localhost:27017", "TestDB")
	user := User{
		FirstName: "John",
		LastName:  "Doe",

	user = User{
		FirstName: "John",
	if user2, err := user.Find(); err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
		//Do something about it
	} else {