
An analysis of data provided by the police.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Police dataset

The data collected is about police stops, i.e. police stopping people for various violatons. The data available: date, time, gender, date of birth, age, race, violation, whether a search was conducted, outcome of the stop, was one arrested, duration of the stop, was it a drug related stop.

Analysis for a police dataset for the period starting 2nd Jan 2005 to 7th Dec 2012.

The data is made up of 65,526 entries and 15 columns, uncleaned data. After cleaning the data we're left with 61,221 entries and 13 columns, 6.57% of the original dataset was problematic. This data is collected over a period of about 8 years, 2005 - 2012. This analysis will go through columns that will give more insight on the problem that police face most in this region and factors that affect being noted.

General analysis

  • Generally men are stopped more than women, 73.42% were male vs 26.58% female.
  • In total 2,477 searches have been conducted on the 61,221 stops i.e. only 4.05% chance of getting searched.
  • The average stop time for everyone is 12 minutes.
  • Averagely there are 23 stops per day; the most number of stops in a day were 64 on the 28th of February 2012. The least number of stops in a day is 1, which occurred quite a number of times. On the 28-Feb-2012 offenses were as follows:
Violation Number of stops
Speeding 25
Moving violation 22
Equipment 12
Other 4
Registration/plates 1
  • To the question whether gender affects the probability of getting searched after being stopped; data shows that it does. There were a total of 2,477 searches, 366 were women and 2111 were men. To express this clearer, 85.22% were men and 14.78% were women.

Analysis according to violation


A total of 37,118 people were stopped for speeding.

Gender: More men than women are stopped by the police for going over the speed limit. 25,458 were stopped versus 11,660 women.

Age: Average age of people caught overspeeding is 33.26 years with the youngest being 15 years old and the oldest being 88 years old. out of the 61,221 people stopped over the years 37,118 people were stopped for overspeeding, i.e. 60.63% of stops were speeding related. This seems to be a big problem for police around this region.

Race: Majority of people stopped for speeding were white at 81.14%. More information is given on this on the table below.

Race % stopped actual number
White 81.14% 30,118
Black 9.83% 3647
Hispanic 5.54% 2056
Asian 3.16% 1172
Other 0.34% 125

Search Conducted: Out of all the 37,118 people who were stopped for overspeeding, only 795 people had their cars searched. Assuming all factors constant, probability of having one's car searched after being stopped for overspeeding is 0.021(2.1%).

Arrested? Those arrested after being stopped for overspeeding are only 548 people. The probability of getting arrested, assuming all other factors don't affect this, is 0.015(1.5%).

Average time: Speeding offenders are usually stopped for an average of 10.45 minutes.

Drug related: Among the stops for overspeeding, 179 of those stops evolved into drug related stops.

Moving Violation

A total of 11,876 people were stopped for moving violations. Gender:

Age: Race: Search conducted: Arrested? Average time: Drug related:


Gender: Age: Race: Search conducted: Arrested? Average time: Drug related


Gender: Age: Race: Search conducted: Arrested? Average time: Drug related:


Gender: Age: Race: Search conducted: Arrested? Average time: Drug related:

Seat belt

Gender: Age: Race: Search conducted: Arrested? Average time: Drug related: