
A temperature logger receiving weather information from ESP8266-based sensors.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A temperature logger receiving weather information from ESP8266-based sensors.

Work in progress!

Now using meteor, simply use the meteor command to start the project.

Deploy process for Raspberry Pi 4 cluster

Not a very good setup, exposes both a MongoDB pod and a single pod with the Meteor application using fixed IP addresses, but it stays on my internal network with at most two users.

The cluster uses a Raspberry Pi 4 with command-line only Ubuntu Server 64 bits. Recent versions of Mongo DB requires 64 bits.

  • Execute meteor build ../temp-logger-build --architecture os.linux.x86_64 in the source folder to get the NodeJS meteor build.
  • Copy build from host computer a node in the cluster with scp /home/cindyp/temperature-logger.tar.gz ubuntu@ to build a Docker image using the right architecture.
  • Extract with -xf temperature-logger.tar.gz.
  • Create a docker image from the NodeJS application with docker build -t cindyptn/temperature-logger . and the Dockerfile in this folder.
  • Push to the docker repository with docker push cindyptn/temperature-logger.
  • See the kubernetes folder for the Kubernetes objects to use.
  • The application is available on port 30000 of the cluster.