
MAT3007_technical_notes is used to record the debug procedure/tips about using software matlab/cvx during homework time

This file is used to record the debug procedure/tips about using software matlab/cvx during homework time


Set up Matlab and cvx

Set up Matlab and cvx using doc below that offered in bb, we will use cvx in Matlab to do the following homeworks. The Environment Setuo Gide.pdf also provies set-up procedure of cvxpy in python and COPT. You can try if you are interested.

{% file src=".gitbook/assets/Environment Setup Guide.pdf" %}

Learn cvx basics can improve your coding efficiency, help with debugging and thus save your time.

Home work 1 mainly use basic syntax of cvx and matlab. If you need some bugs or you want to improve coding efficiency or make your code more beautiful, please search in the following pages for some help