Pleuterbox wave player

This is the source code for the "Pleuterbox" music player. Pleuterbox is a project from Culturegem

Project goal

Make a music player, based on 3 old toggle switches. By toggling the switches the little kids can listen to 7 different songs.

Bill Of Material

connection diagram

  • power source 12V --> Amp +12V
  • power source GND --> Amp GND
  • power source 12V --> DC-DC converter +IN
  • power source GND --> DC-DC converter -IN
  • DC-DC converter +OUT --> Arduino VIN
  • DC-DC converter -OUT --> Arduino GND
  • A0 --> SWITCHO1 <-- GND
  • A1 --> SWITCHO2 <-- GND
  • A2 --> SWITCHO3 <-- GND
  • Wave Shield AUDIO OUT GND --> Amp (between L_IN & R_IN)
  • Wave Shield AUDIO OUT LEFT --> Amp L_IN
  • Wave Shield AUDIO OUT LEFT --> Amp R_IN
  • Amp L+ --> Speaker +
  • Amp L- --> Speaker -