Twitch Bot for Shin in Python 3.4
------------------------------- How to use -----------------------------
- Change de data on top to match your bot's account.
- Replace X,Y & Z by your moderators & admins
- Launch!
- You're good to go!
------------------------------- Commands -------------------------------
- !m+ => adds a count to the deathcounter
- !m- => removes a count of the deathcounter
- !mr => resets the deathcounter
- !critj+ => adds 1 critcounter to player critcounter
- !critj- => removes 1 critcounter from player critcounter
- !critjr => resets player's critcounter
- !critcpu+ => adds 1 critcounter to CPU critcounter
- !critcpu- => removes 1 critcounter to CPU critcounter
- !critcpur => resets CPU's critcounter
- !tonbut => credits Grey Aragami
- !highfive => bot highfives you back
- !commandes => shows all commands acessible to you.
- !critiques => shows the crit counters for player & cpu
- !morts => shows deathcounter
------------------------------- Special Phrases -------------------------
- [Greeting] [any word] [police/police./police!]