
A lightweight networking manager used for simple and clear network calls.

Primary LanguageSwift


Cinamofrayer Logo

Cinamofryer is an HTTP networking library written in Swift.
A lightweight networking manager used for simple and clear network calls.

We use Cinamofryer in our iOS project template:


Swift Package Manager

Cinamofryer can be installed via the official Swift Package Manager.

  1. Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  2. Paste the project URL: https://github.com/Cinnamon-Agency/Cinamofryer
  3. Click on next, select the project target and click finish.

Then simply import Cinamofryer wherever you’d like to use it.


  • Xcode 13.0+
  • iOS 15.0+

Works only with the async/await pattern.


Basic API request

Used for basic API calls.

public static func request<T: Decodable>(url: String,
                                         method: HTTPMethod,
                                         parameters: [String: Any]? = nil,
                                         contentType: ContentType = .JSON,
                                         headers: [String: String]? = nil) async throws -> T

HTTP Methods

Use GET, POST, DELETE, PUT & PATCH methods to make network calls.

public enum HTTPMethod {
    case GET(query: [String: Any]? = nil)
    case POST
    case DELETE
    case PUT
    case PATCH


GET request
func fetch() async throws -> ApiResponse<[User]> {
    return try await Cinamofryer.request(
        url: BuildConfiguration.shared.baseURL + Endpoints.Users.users.path,
        method: .GET()
POST request
func add(user: User) async throws -> ApiResponse<User> {
    return try await Cinamofryer.request(
        url: BuildConfiguration.shared.baseURL + Endpoints.Users.users.path,
        method: .POST,
        parameters: try user.asDictionary(),
        headers: SessionManager.shared.authorizationHeader

Upload image API request

Used for a basic image upload.

public static func uploadRequest<T: Decodable>(url: String,
                                               method: HTTPMethod,
                                               data: UploadData,
                                               requestType: UploadRequestType,
                                               headers: [String: String]? = nil,
                                               progressHandler: ProgressHandler? = nil) async throws -> T

Upload Request Type

public enum UploadRequestType {
    case binary
    case multipartFormData


func uploadPhoto(url: String, data: Data) async throws -> Bool {
    try await Cinamofryer.uploadRequest(url: url,
                                           method: .POST,
                                           data: UploadData(name: "fileName", data: data, type: .pngPhoto),
                                           requestType: .multipartFormData,
                                           progressHandler: { progress in
                                              // Do something

You can pass the progressUpload handler to this method whenever you need to show the user the progress of their upload.

Error handling

Throws CinamofryerError.

enum CinamofryerError: Error {
    // If the response status code is not in [200, 299]
    case invalidStatusCode(code: Int)
    // If the passed url string cannot be converted to URL data model
    case invalidURL
    // If the passed HTTPMethod is not allowed (e.g. GET for image upload request)
    case invalidHTTPMethod

If the error is caused by JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder or JSONSerialization - you'll probably want to log it to the console to see the exact source of the problem.


The response is decoded to generic type T.

We mainly using the following model for the API response:

struct ApiResponse<T>: Decodable where T: Decodable {
    let code: Int
    let message: String
    let data: T


If you need to send a request using URL encoded form data, set contentType to .formUrlEncoded. Default is .JSON.

public enum ContentType: String {
    case JSON = "application/json"
    case formUrlEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"

    var encoding: ParameterEncoding {
        switch self {
        case .JSON:
            return .JSONEncoding
        case .formUrlEncoded:
            return .URLEncoding

public enum ParameterEncoding {
    case JSONEncoding
    case URLEncoding