Static HTML generator for minimal blogs. Write your posts using markdown and the blog is built automatically.
Current features:
- RSS Feed
- Archives
- Most Recent Posts
- CSS Bindings
You can see an example of an hblog website here.
Quick Usage Directions:
Put your posts into the /posts/ directory. One post per file. The posts should be in the following format:
Line 1: Post Title
Line 2: Unix epoch timestamp of post creation date
Line 3: Author Name
Line 4 -> eof: Markdown of the post content
Setup the paths in the Config.hs file. Only need to edit the "siteDirectory" function to point to where your files are. Make sure the directories in the Config.hs file exist. (hblog doesnt currently create directories)
Edit the templates in the css and templates directories.
Run the following command to compile the blog into the "html" folder:
runhaskell Main.hs
- Finally upload all the files in the "html" folder to your web server.