Hello there I'm Cipulot!

Typing SVG

📘 My top open source projects and contribs

⌨️ Custom Mechanical Keyboards

EC-Pro-2 RF_R1_8-9Xu EC60 EC23U CorneECRevival is0Topre m0118_integrated_usb qmk_firmware tinyuf2 cipulot_kicad_parts

🔬 Technology and research

LeapMask ML-Chopsticks ML-Chopsticks

🧰 Tools and miscellaneous

GAMESS-Interface Leap-Motion-Python-3 Leap-Motion-Python-3

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🙋‍♂️ Connect with me

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🔥 Streak stats

DenverCoder1's streak

🛠️ My favorite tools

👨‍💻 Programming languages

MIPS Assembly Bash C C++ C# Google Apps Script JavaScript LaTeX NodeJS Markdown Python Scratch SVG+XML

🧰 Frameworks and libraries

Arduino Electron Flutter GitHub Actions JUnit Keras Material Design NumPy Pandas Pytest SymPy TensorFlow WPF (.Net)

🗄️ Databases and cloud hosting

GitHub Pages Heroku Notion

💻 Software and tools

Adobe Android Studio Android Arch Linux Audacity Dark Reader Git Google Sheets Jupyter Mathematica OBS Studio Stack Overflow Visual Studio Code

📊 Github stats

Github Stats Top Languages
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

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