
Ship Port Management System

Primary LanguagePython

Port Management System

This is an example project based on an assignment.


  • This application has been developed and tested on Python 3.52
  • Passwords and sensitive settings are uploaded for educational purposes! This should never be done in real projects!
  • If you start with Docker, skip the sections: Installation(Manual) and Usage(Manual)



Installation (Manual)

  1. Create a virtualenv container and activate it. For more information: Click here

  2. Open Terminal and change to the directory of the project.

  3. Install the dependencies of the project by entering the following command:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Make sure the MySQL Server is up and running.

  5. Create a database called 'port_manager'.

  6. In the project folder create a file parameters.yml and enter the following data:

     SECRET_KEY: '&i4hv(y#kh6yl=s5jls&-@)5h!8t!8p^rkr0=p9f7oswvlw8#@'
     DATABASE_HOST: [Hostname of your MySQL Database]
     DATABASE_PORT: 3306
     DATABASE_NAME: port_manager
     DATABASE_USER: [Username of your MySQL Database]
     DATABASE_PASSWORD: [Password of your MySQL Database]
  7. Save the file.

  8. Run the following commands to setup database schema and to create dummy data:

    $ python ./manage.py migrate --noinput
    $ python ./manage.py createdefaultuser
    $ python ./manage.py loaddummydata

Usage (Manual)

  1. Run the following command to run the web server:

    $ python ./manage.py runserver
  2. Open web browser and go to: http://localhost:8000

Installation (Docker)

  1. Open Terminal and change to the directory of the project.
    $ sudo chmod +x run_web.sh

Usage (Docker)

  1. Run the following command to start the docker containers:
    $ sudo docker-compose up
  2. Wait for the containers to start up.
  3. Open web browser and go to: http://localhost:8000

Login Information

User Username Password URL
Super Admin admin test Admin Page
Ship Captains [email_address of user] test Main Page

API Information

Request Header Settings

Key Value
Authorization Token [API KEY of a ship captain]

Available Endpoints

GET /api/v1/ships/{The Ship captains' ship_id or ship_name}

Case Description

We manage the Rotterdam port. Ships arrive daily. Every ship has a unique identifier, composed of letters and digits. A ship is loaded with containers. Every container has a unique number. It is known whether the contents of a container imply a fire and/or chemical hazard. A ship may enter a dock. A dock can contain only one ship at a time. On every dock, several people are employed, of which some are supervisors. The first name, last name, address and bank account number of each employee is known. Employees are assigned to a ship in the dock.


  • Create a relational database model of the described situation
  • Create a web application using Django that implements the following webpages:
    • An overview page that lists docks with their current occupancy and cargo hazards.
    • A dock detail page with for example the employees, current ship, containers and cargo hazards and a historic overview of ships
    • Provide us with a solution that we can run using the Django development server ourselves, to see it in action.

Bonus assignment Based on the application defined for the port management. A third party like the ship-captain would like to enquire the docks for docking possibilities for his ship. The captain uses a system which can handle 3rd party API’s via REST. Every captain which is listed in our system can authenticate in the ship software using his shipname/code and auth-token. This information is shown on the user profile of the captain accessed via a desktop browser.

Bonus task: Our system should be capable to answer REST requests. Show how this can be implemented.