A module meant to be a purely PowerShell alternative to the written in Ruby, more Linux oriented, amazing colorls.
- Colors
- Icons
- File and folder size calculation
- Name trimming (if it doesn't fit on the screen)
- Different sorting
- Git integration (Needs testing)
- Tree view
- Modularity of display
Make sure you're using a patched font from NerdFonts. If you're not, either download an already patched font from their site (my suggestions would be BlexMono, FiraCode or Hack), or patch your own using their patching tool.
Until I publish it on Powershell Gallery, you'll need to
- Clone this repository
> git clone https://github.com/Circl3s/colordir.git
- Import the module in your Powershell profile (you can find out where it is by echoing
Import-Module <Path to where you cloned the module>\colordir.psm1
- Add aliases to your profile (optional), for example
Set-Alias cdir Get-ColoredItem
Set-Alias cls Get-ColoredItem
- File/folder name trimming doesn't quite work with some non-English symbols (for example Japanese file names)
- It vomits non-terminating errors if the terminal is too small to even trim the file/folder names
- It doesn't like square brackets.
Check if they are supported by NerdFonts, and if they are - create an issue or add them and create a pull request, I don't care...