- aehlkeToronto
- akatovVST
- AlexMeah@codevinehq
- amritsingh@branchstudios
- beejhuff@magento-hackathon
- bgruszka@displate
- blardoInvisible Inc.
- bluerabbitTokyo
- chachraCapeZero
- CVirusThoughtworks
- darthwadeWarsaw, Poland
- dylanfareed@cairnmfg
- eugeneiiimAustin, TX
- fredoliveira
- gregorynicholasalter union
- ilonajulczukIreland
- israel-santiago-praxis
- jeremypruitt@waabi-ai
- jonathandietzSan Francisco
- karlin@amzn
- leopku
- meabed@helpai
- mgreschkeRecare
- ortenheimOslo, Norway
- pedrosanta@Vincit
- peterjohnjosephPeter John Joseph Photography and Design
- RobaumAntwerpen, Belgium
- sbusso@kyrolabs
- shokoharaUnderscore Co., Ltd.
- steveh@buildkite and @LilRegie
- thebitmonkBangalore
- thisdavejohnsonRaleigh, NC
- timh5
- ur5usUnfolding Web
- xlelibertyEliberty Services
- zokeberBuenos Aires, Argentina