
[circle/wait-for "1.0.0]

A HOF that provides retrying.

Let's start with a simple example.

(:require [circle.wait-for :refer (wait-for)])

(wait-for #(unreliable-fn :foo :bar))

This calls unreliable-fn, up to 3 times, returning as soon as unreliable-fn returns truthy.


wait-for has two signatures: (wait-for f) and (wait-for options f). Options is a map. f is always a fn of no arguments.


By default, wait-for terminates if the function passed in returns truthy. It returns the successful value, or throws if f never returned truthy.

The number of retries can be specified with the options :tries, :sleep and :timeout. See the docstring for more.

If you want to wait for a specific return value, use the :success-fn option.


By default, wait-for does not catch exceptions, but can be configured to do so:

(wait-for {:catch [java.net.SocketTimeoutException]} #(foo name))

The :catch clause can take numerous options, as seen in the docstring.

Inspired by [https://github.com/joegallo/robert-bruce Robert Bruce]