An orb that simplifies deployment to Amazon's Elastic Container Service (ECS). Supports both EC2 and Fargate launch types.
- 7
- 2
Command `deploy_ecs_scheduled_task` failing even when defined the `rule_name` parameter
#222 opened by diogonicoleti - 1
- 2
- 1
Cannot update secret values consistently
#210 opened by jackpeeplesPlayon - 1
- 3
Support enable-execute-command for run_task
#205 opened by cheethoe - 1
- 4
- 0
- 1
aws-ecs/deploy-service-update no --task-definition
#196 opened by mikejk8s - 1
Profile not set when creating deployment during a "update-service" while using the "CODE_DEPLOY" option
#193 opened by ryanolee - 10
Deploying updates to Schedule Tasks
#104 opened by pbrisbin - 1
- 5
Any way to handle DeploymentLimitExceededException?
#181 opened by agustints - 0
- 0
- 3
Command deploy-ecs-scheduled-task doesn't work
#174 opened by kassyuz - 5
- 1
commands/update-service does not pass the `profile-name` parameter to the `update-task-definition` step
#176 opened by laurent-leconte - 1
- 2
Support code deploy capacity provider strategy
#130 opened by reytarovskiy - 3
Changes arch from Linux/X86_64
#147 opened by danielstravito - 2
- 1
Change cluster parameter naming to be consistent
#136 opened by dsullivan7 - 5
Add ability for specifying the platform version on update-service with CodeDeploy
#107 opened by dhaspden - 1
- 6
Latest github release is 1.4.0
#128 opened by jasonkarns - 2
Publish new version
#166 opened by andriyfedak - 3
Enhance `run-task` to allow streaming of logs from ecs task and waiting till completion
#101 opened by lokst - 1
- 2
- 0
run-task overrides fails to evaluate env arguments
#146 opened by dsvensson - 3
Variable interpolation in overrides JSON
#160 opened by nford - 4
Upgrade aws-cli orb to auto install the CLI when setting up the AWS env
#164 opened by LaurentGoderre - 2
verification-timeout parameter is ignored in aws-ecs/update-service command
#133 opened by vatima2016 - 0
feat: Implement deployment circuit breaker with rollback for deployment controller of type CODE_DEPLOY
#134 opened by vatima2016 - 1
Enable circuit breakers
#125 opened by mimozell - 1
Support AWS CLI profile name to override credentials
#148 opened by trevorr - 4
update-task-definition command remove the runtime-platform information
#137 opened by yyamada-red-frasco - 2
Support Resource Tags
#120 opened by dgeorges - 2
Document minimum aws version needed
#100 opened by lokst - 3
- 5
- 1
verification-timeout fails if greater than 10m
#115 opened by dpeterka - 1
Allow passing DockerHub credentials
#114 opened by blimmer - 4
- 0
Readme examples out of date
#112 opened by robdavidson-lumin - 3
- 5
No such file or directory: 'less': 'less'
#103 opened by bkovacev