
Modified fork of Disputils with bug fixes, such as unresponsive paginators after some time on large bots.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Disputils provides some neat features to make your life as a bot developer easier.


Install latest release from PyPI via pip:

python3.6 -m pip install disputils

Or the freshest bleeding-edge code directly from GitHub using pip and git:

python3.6 -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/LiBa001/disputils


A compatible version of discord.py will be installed automatically when downloading with pip. However, you should still require discord.py in your own setup.py or requirements.txt file.


Quick overview of the available features.

For all features there are two ways to use them.

  • just discord.py and a basic discord.Client
  • discord.py commands extension (discord.ext.commands) and a Bot

In the following we're going to use the second way since it's a bit easier.

from disputils import BotEmbedPaginator, BotConfirmation, BotMultipleChoice


Split your content into multiple pages and use reactions to paginate through.

async def paginate(ctx):
    embeds = [
        Embed(title="test page 1", description="This is just some test content!", color=0x115599),
        Embed(title="test page 2", description="Nothing interesting here.", color=0x5599ff),
        Embed(title="test page 3", description="Why are you still here?", color=0x191638)

    paginator = BotEmbedPaginator(ctx, embeds)
    await paginator.run()


Multiple Choice

Let the user decide. Provide multiple choice!

async def choice(ctx):
    multiple_choice = BotMultipleChoice(ctx, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six'], "Testing stuff")
    await multiple_choice.run()

    await multiple_choice.quit(multiple_choice.choice)



Is the user going to do something irreversible? Let him confirm first!

async def confirm(ctx):
    confirmation = BotConfirmation(ctx, 0x012345)
    await confirmation.confirm("Are you sure?")

    if confirmation.confirmed:
        await confirmation.update("Confirmed", color=0x55ff55)
        await confirmation.update("Not confirmed", hide_author=True, color=0xff5555)

