Hardware & Software documentation for the CircuitSetup Expandable 6 Channel ESP32 Energy Meter. Works with ESPHome and Home Assistant.
- akakizKutaisi, Georgia
- AndyWhittakerECUFix
- antouanbgNovacom Group.
- araczkowskiSviete
- botsbuzz
- caladeiraPortugal
- CaptClaude
- CircuitSetupPA
- CNC-ManiacGermany
- coopermor
- dem626
- DirkTas67Torhout/Belgium
- DiscoJeff
- Doc-O-Love
- Drwhyer
- eemailme
- georgeredingerequidyne
- graveland@timescale
- happytm
- japurillo
- jhcloos
- jwrayburn
- karelfuksa
- LuRDToronto, Canada
- matteogaratopadova
- mmarinmr
- pmwqld
- ril3y@synthetos
- rlustCentral Ohio
- Shubhranshu2411
- SzymonSlupikSilvair
- thiagobassiAlzis Technology
- TundraAP
- woj1965
- yo3gskFree Lancer
- ZodWindsong