Test for the Polynomial Smoothers in AMG4PSBLAS
To clone the repository with the needed submodules do:
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:Cirdans-Home/polynomialsmoothers.git
this will populate also the psblas
and amg4psblas
folders with the relevant code.
- Pasqua D'Ambra,
- Fabio Durastante,
- Salvatore Filippone,
- Stefano Massei,
- Stephen Thomas
The folder 3dlaplacian
contains the Finite Difference 3D Poisson Benchmark, while the folder anisotropy
contains the FEM 2D diffusion with rotated anisotropy. To use the code you have to compile and install PSBLAS and AMG4PSBLAS, then the code in these two folders can be compiled and linked against it. Example of scripts for running the test in HPC environment is contained in the logfiles folder.