A class for reading content of an ES index into a Pandas DataFrame (written in Python 3)
Nilsima (a locality sensetive hashing function) in Python 3. For more info please see: Nilsima.
No requirements needed, for an example on how to run the code, have a look at main.py
API and usage
from string_to_hash import Hash64
if __name__ == "__main__":
hash_generator = Hash64()
print(list(hash_generator.string_to_64hash("All work and no play made Hossein a dull boy")))
print(list(hash_generator.string_to_64hash("All work and no play made Hossein a dull boy / ")))
For more info use help(Hash64)
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the CHANGELOG.MD