
CLI for localization using Google Sheets

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

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Air Strings

Air Strings is a command-line tool for translating localizable strings in Google Sheets.

1. Prepare localization as Localizable.strings

Tis is usually done in Xcode or AppCode. The preferred format is "key" = "value"; // comment 🤷‍♂️

Localizable.strings English

2. “Push” Localizable.strings to Google Sheets

The command like airstrings push --path en/Localizable.strings will upload key-value pairs with their comments into the Google spreadsheet.

Google Sheet with English strings

3. Translate strings using Google Sheets

Then you translate strings into any language. By the way, Google Sheets are perfect for collaboration!

Google Sheet with Russian strings

3. “Pull” translations as Localizable.strings

Once translation is done, download all strings back using a command like airstrings pull --path ru/Localizable.strings.

Localizable.strings Russian

🎉 Done!


In order to build an executable you need a client identifier and a secret for Google Sheets API. Please follow instructions at https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/guides/authorizing#OAuth2Authorizing to generate something like this:

Google Sheets API Credentials UI

Once generated, copy and replace string values for CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET in the following script:

git clone git@github.com:CirkusApp/airstrings.git
cd airstrings

echo "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = \$(inherited) \

swift package generate-xcodeproj \
	--xcconfig-overrides AirSecrets.xcconfig
xcodebuild \
	-project airstrings.xcodeproj \
	-target airstrings \
	-configuration Release


At the moment Air Strings is available only after building manually:

build/Release/airstrings <command> [options]

Once the app is ready for public, we’ll probably publish at Brew.


  • Renew access token when it’s expired
  • Improve error messages by overriding AirStrings.Error.localizedDescription
  • Write Makefile with swift build and .xcconfig passed via -Xcc
  • Release a binary for public and implement brew install airstrings
  • Use OysterKit for parsing .strings
  • Add support for input configuration to parse Java .properties files using OysterKit
  • Open the website Cirkus Open Source at https://cirkusapp.github.io
  • Move Air Strings website to https://cirkusapp.github.io/airstrings
  • Maybe simplify API URL building by using URITemplate.swift
  • Configure output format using Stencil or the like


  • SwiftCLI — cool processor for command-line interfaces
  • PathKit — nice helpers for writing and reading local files
  • OAuthSwift — native library for Google Auth and Requests


Vadim @Shpakovski.


© 2018 Farmers WIFE S.L.


Air Strings is licensed under MIT License.