
Testing harness is an integrated dashboard to evaluate the capabilities of various LLM models

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Testing Harness Dashboard

Quick start

  • Recommended Node.js v18.x.

  • Install: yarn install

  • Start: yarn dev

  • Build: yarn build

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 8 35 39 PM


  • Add Object Detection codes.
  • Add Hate-Speech-detection codes.
  • Add Machine-Translation codes.
  • Customise main dashboard as per usage (currently its sample ui).
  • Add Login
  • Add user management (optional as per need).
  • Add Blog section (optional as per need).

Steps to run on local machine


Machine Translation Looks at the accuracy of translation between different languages, specifically EN/FR.

Demo https://cirruslabsio-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/shaqib_malik_cirruslabs_io/ETrz8kwEzc1GihgDPxcQNQwB9UJN786_t8msTQwAiwZd9g

Installation Clone the frontend portion of the project with the repository link from Github.

Deployment To deploy this project in the terminal, run:

yarn dev

Click on http://localhost:3030/ to open the UI.