- 0xbharathDisruptive Labs
- 0xdevaliasOpen to opportunities
- aaronsdevera@backchannelinc
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- algorerhythm
- b0ndIndia
- bertusk
- cgi1Telekom Security
- Churro
- cjiBoston
- CommanderK5
- compoterhackerSan Francisco, CA
- defunctioNYC
- dguidoTrail of Bits
- dlister
- dmaynorAtlanta,GA
- geeknikIn the lab...
- goabout2
- gripedthumbtacks
- icanhasflag
- M1suzu
- marcpretNew York
- miguelraulbMKRUL
- nezlooy
- nullprobe
- Phantomawol
- quantumpacketsomeone
- quineFuquay-Varina, NC
- scibernixNew York
- SecsAndCyber
- sgray10devstudio42
- ShawnAlexander
- silverlyThe System
- Thiefyfaceboop
- timyardleyChampaign, IL
- urbanskiMontana