
Class Materials for Kubernetes Training.

Primary LanguagePython

Kubernetes Class

This repository contains the labs and scripts for a Cisco Kubernetes class offered by Cisco.


After taking this class, attendees will feel comfortable with the following Kubernetes topics:

  • Metacloud - Basic intro to the OpenStack solution which Kubernetes run on top of
  • Kubernetes components
  • Deploying Kubernetes
  • Basics of Kubernetes
  • Deploying/scaling apps in Kubernetes

Additionally, hands-on labs will provide real world experience with Kubernetes.

DISCLAIMER Many Kubernetes tutorials use GCE or AWS. This material uses OpenStack, specifically, Cisco's OpenStack offering, Metacloud.

It is recommended to first print the Reference page. This way you can record some variables you set for later use in the labs.


  • Reference - Start by printing this for your reference
  • 00 -Metacloud Introduction - This lab covers a basic overview of Metacloud.
  • 01 Environment Setup - This lab covers setting up your lab VM for the rest of the labs
  • 02 Installation Lab - This lab covers installing Kubernetes. We use a Terraform script to bring it up quickly. Its done on Metacloud.
  • 03 Configuration Lab - This lab covers getting kubectl configured to work with our lab environment as well as the final touches of networking required to make our kubernetes cluster functional.
  • 04 Running Kubernetes - This lab covers deploying and managing applications in our operational kubernetes environment.
  • 05 Kubernetes ops - This lab covers some additional basic operations in Kubernetes.
  • CI/CD Lab - WIP
  • Monitoring - WIP