
Examples showing how to use Cisco Communications Manager AXL SOAP to make configuration changes using Ansible playbooks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



These samples demonstrates how to use Ansible playbooks to read/update CUCM configurations via the AXL SOAP API and CUCM CLI/SSH. Also included is a sample custom Ansible module which can execute CUCM CLI commands and return the output.



The concepts and techniques shown can be extended to enable automated management of virtually any configuration setting on CUCM or other Voice Operating System (VOS) based appliances.

Tested with:

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Ansible 2.12.6
  • Python 3.10.4
  • CUCM 14

Note: this project was developed on Linux. While core concepts and most code should port to Windows/Mac well, some differences in Ansible implentation/capabilities may require workarounds.


  • Python 3.8+

Available samples

  • axl_add_line_simple.yml - Demonstrates adding a single line with the basic built-in Ansible uri module ( <addLine>).

  • axl_cucm_version_simple.yml - Retrieve CUCM and AXL versions in a single playbook.

  • axl_cucm_version.yml - Retrieves the node product and AXL versions. Uses sub-task (<getCCMVersion>).

  • axL_add_line.yml - Add a new line (<addLine>).

  • axl_add_phone.yml - Add a new phone (<addLine>).

  • axl_add_user.yml - Add a new user (<addUser>).

  • axl_add_line_phone_user.yml - Compose multiple sub-tasks to add a user/phone/line in one playbook.

  • axl_bulk_add_users.yml - Bulk-add users with associated phones/lines, as retrieved from a .csv file.

  • cisco_vos_cli.py - Custom Ansible module using Python/Paramiko to run arbitrary commands on a node and parse/return the output.

  • cli_show_version.yml - Run a CLI command to get the active version and display/parse the output.

  • cli_addhoc_command.yml Run a run-time-defined CLI command on the node and display the output.

  • cli_set_cli_session_timeout.yml - Run a CLI command which requires user input responses.

  • paramiko_test.py - Stand-alone version of the cisco_vos_cli.py module (easier to debug).

  • cli_concurrent_commands.yml - Pass multiple ":" delimited commands, which will be executed across hosts using Ansible concurrent asynchronous actions.

  • cli_utils_fips_enable.yml - Via CLI, run utils fips enable; when prompted, respond with no. Demonstrates using character_delay option to send a response as invidual characters separated by a short delay (required by some particular CLI command input modes that may drop characters if they arrive too quickly.)

Getting started

  • Create/activate a Python virtual environment named venv:

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  • Install needed dependency packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Rename inventory.yml.example to inventory.yml, and edit it to specify your host(s) address and AXL/CLI user credentials.

  • To run a specific sample, use the following command, e.g.:

    ansible-playbook axl_new_line.yml

    You will be prompted for needed values (e.g. directory number/partition) if not provided via --extra-vars:

    ansible-playbook axl_new_line.yml --extra-vars "dn=1001 routepartition=''"


  • Run playbooks with extra verbosity for debugging:

    ansible-playbook axl_version.yml -vvv
  • When using the example CLI command module, note that YAML has a lengthy list of reserved characters that must be properly handled in strings/scalars, so module command/response strings should be properly quoted and/or escaped (using "\").

    In addition, response expect strings are handled as regular expressions (Python flavor), which means even more reserved characters, which must be further escaped.

    For example:

      - expect: "Do you want to continue \\(yes/no\\) \\? '

    This can be a bit simpler if you use single quotes, which ignores escape characters at the YAML level (so they can be passed on as regex escape characters):

      - expect: "Do you want to continue \(yes/no\) \? '
  • The AXL sub-tasks do a little checking to see if adding objects fails due to the object already existing - if so the sub-task is marked as 'changed: no' (otherwise it is marked 'changed: yes') - a small attempt to follow the Ansible indempotency pattern. The CLI module/sub-tasks do not do any special checking and so all tasks are left as default ('changed: no') whether they actually change something or not.

  • The AXL playbooks use getCCMVersion to determine the AXL version of each host at run-time, and and AXL sub-tasks modify the SOAPAction header and xlmns:ns namespace in the XML templates accordingly. However, no attempt is made to modify the schema of the AXL request itself based on version. As AXL request schemas are pretty mature/stable (especially for basic/common requests) this works fine for now, at least for the current set of samples.

  • Some VoS CLI commands present an input mode, e.g. for confirmation or data entry. The input mode for some commands can drop characters if they are sent quickly/all-at-once. To workaround this see cli_utils_fips_enable and the character_delay response item option.


  • It should be possible to create a custom module using Zeep which can build AXL XML dynamically based on the AXL WSDL, per version. This would also probably make development of additional AXL sub-tasks easier too, by avoiding XML templating.