Flare allows users with mobile devices to discover and interact with things in an environment. It combines multiple location technologies with a realtime communications architecture, to enable new kinds of user interactions.
The Flare server is implemented in Node.js. You can run it on your own computer or in a virtual machine.
Flare includes client libraries and sample code for the following platforms:
- JavaScript for web pages
- Swift for iOS, Mac and watchOS
- Java for Android
- Python
See the individual pages above for a list of dependencies, installation and configuration instructions, and usage examples.
These tutorials will jumpstart your development on specific topics:
- Import tutorial - how to write a script that imports data into Flare
- Location tutorial - how to write an iOS or Android app that uses Flare location technologies
- Socket.IO tutorial - how to write an iOS or Android app that uses Flare realtime notifications
These apps are included in the sample code. Use the Flare Explorer to set up your environment, and the Trilateral app to navigate using mobile devices.
- Trilateral iOS App - shows a live map with the location of the user's device
- Trilateral Android App - shows a live map and a compass indicating the direction of nearby things
- Explorer Web App - browse and edit Flare objects, and connect to nearby things and devices
- Explorer Mac App - browse and edit Flare objects, and connect to nearby things and devices