
Go Client library for Cisco Container Platform

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Container Platform Go Client Library

This is a Go Client Library used for accessing Cisco Container Platform (CCP).

It is currently a Proof of Concept and has been developed and tested against Cisco Container Platform 6.0 with Go version 1.15.2

Table of Contents

Created by gh-md-toc

Quick Start

Download CCP Client Library go get -u "github.com/CiscoSE/ccp-client-library/ccp"

package main

import "github.com/CiscoSE/ccp-client-library/ccp”

  Define new CCP client

client := ccp.NewClient("admin", ”password", "https://my-ccp-address.com")

  Retrieve login

err := client.Login(client)

if err != nil {

  Print Users

users, err := client.GetUsers()

if err != nil {
} else {
  for _, user := range users {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *user.Username)

Quick Start - Creation from JSON file

For some situations it may be easier to have the configuration represented as JSON rather than conifguring individually as per the examples below (e.g. AddCluster). In this scenario you can either build the JSON file yourself or monitor the API POST call for the JSON data sent to CCP. This can be achieved using the browsers built in developer tools. See the following document for screenshots of how to find the POST call in the Chrome Developer Tools.


Example JSON File - newCluster.json

  "name": "myContainerPlatformCluster",
  "kubernetes_version": "1.10.1",
  "ssh_key": "ssh-rsa aaabbbmysshkey me@localhost",
  "description": "My first CCP Cluster",
  "datacenter": "innovation-lab",
  "cluster": "hx-cluster",
  "resource_pool": "hx-cluster/Resources",
  "datastore": "CCP",
  "ssh_user": "ccp",
  "template": "ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.1.0.ova",
  "masters": 1,
  "workers": 2,
  "vcpus": 2,
  "memory": 16384,
  "type": 1,
  "ingress_vip_pool_id": "12345abcd-abcd1234-1234543221",
    "network_plugin": {
      "name": "contiv-vpp",
      "status": "",
      "details": "{\"pod_cidr\":\"\"}"
  "provider_client_config_uuid": "1234abcd-abcd1234-abcdabcd",
  "networks": ["ccp-network/ccp-network-port-group"],
  "deployer": {
    "provider_type": "vsphere",
    "provider": {
      "vsphere_datacenter": "innovation-lab",
      "vsphere_datastore": "CCP",
      "vsphere_client_config_uuid": "1234abcd-abcd1234-abcdabcd",
      "vsphere_working_dir": "/innovation-lab/vm"
package main

import (

  Define new ccp client

client := ccp.NewClient("admin", ”password", "https://my-ccp-address.com")

  Retrieve login

err := client.Login(client)

if err != nil {

  Create cluster
clusterJSONFile, err := os.Open("newCluster.json")

if err != nil {

bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(clusterJSONFile)

var cluster *ccp.Cluster

json.Unmarshal(bytes, &cluster)

cluster, err = client.AddCluster(cluster)

if err != nil {
} else {
	fmt.Println("Cluster UUID: " + *cluster.UUID)

defer clusterJSONFile.Close()

Helper Functions

As per the following link, using the Marshal function from the encoding/json library treats false booleans as if they were nil values, and thus it omits them from the JSON response. To make a distinction between a non-existent boolean and false boolean we need to use a *bool in the struct.

type User struct {
	FirstName               *string `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName                *string `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	Password                *string `json:"password,omitempty"` 


Therefore in order to have a consistent experience all struct fields within this client library use pointers. This provides a way to differentiate between unset values, nil, and an intentional zero value, such as "", false, or 0.

Helper functions have been created to simplify the creation of pointer types.

Without helper function

firstName 	:= "client"
lastName 	:= "library"
password	:= "myPassword"

newUser := ccp.User {
	FirstName:   &firstName,
	LastName:    &lastName,
	Password:    &password,

With helper function

newUser := ccp.User {
	FirstName:   ccp.String("client"),
	LastName:    ccp.String("library"),
	Password:    ccp.String("myPassword"),

Reference: https://willnorris.com/2014/05/go-rest-apis-and-pointers

Available Helper Functions

  • ccp.Bool()
  • ccp.Int()
  • ccp.Int64()
  • ccp.String()
  • ccp.Float32()
  • ccp.Float64()



type LivenessHealth struct {
	CXVersion      *string 
	TimeOnMgmtHost *string
type Health struct {
	TotalSystemHealth *string          
	CurrentNodes      *int64           
	ExpectedNodes     *int64           
	NodesStatus       *[]NodeStatus    
	PodStatusList     *[]PodStatusList 
type NodeStatus struct {
	NodeName           *string 
	NodeCondition      *string 
	NodeStatus         *string 
	LastTransitionTime *string 
type PodStatusList struct {
	PodName            *string 
	PodCondition       *string
	PodStatus          *string
	LastTransitionTime *string 


func (s *Client) Login(client *Client) error
client := ccp.NewClient("admin", ”password", "https://my-ccp-address.com")

err := client.Login(client)

if err != nil {


func (s *Client) GetLivenessHealth() (*LivenessHealth, error)


func (s *Client) GetHealth() (*Health, error)


Users Field Explanations

type User struct {
	Username  *string 
	Disable   *bool  
	Role      *string 
	FirstName *string
	LastName  *string
	Password  *string

Users Field Explanations

Field Description
Role Role of the user - either Administrator or Devops
Disable Whether or not the user account is enabled or disabled


func (s *Client) GetUsers() ([]User, error)
  users, err := client.GetUsers()
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    for _, user := range users {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *user.Username)


func (s *Client) GetUser(username string) (*User, error)
user, err := client.GetUser("myUsername")
if err != nil {
} else {
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *user.Username)
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *user.Role)


func (s *Client) AddUser(user *User) (*User, error) {
Required Fields
  • Username
  • Role
newUser := ccp.User{
  FirstName: ccp.String("ccp"),
  LastName:  ccp.String("sdk"),
  Username:  ccp.String("ccp_sdk"),
  Password:  ccp.String("password123"),
  Disable:   ccp.Bool(false),
  Role:      ccp.String("SysAdmin"),

user, err := client.AddUser(&newUser)

if err != nil {
} else {
  username := *user.Username
  token := *user.Token
  fmt.Println("Username: " + username + ", Token: " + token)


func (s *Client) PatchUser(user *User) (*User, error) 
Required Fields
  • Username
Available Fields to Patch
  • Firstname
  • LastName
  • Password
  • Disable
  • Role
newUser := ccp.User{
  Username:  ccp.String("ccp_sdk"),
  Role:      ccp.String("Devops"),

user, err := client.PatchUser(&newUser)

if err != nil {
} else {
  username := *user.Username
  role := *user.Role
  fmt.Println("Username: " + username + ", Role: " + role)


func (s *Client) DeleteUser(username string) error 
err := client.DeleteUser("ccp_sdk")

if err != nil {


Clusters Field Explanations

type Cluster struct {
	UUID                       *string  
	ProviderClientConfigUUID   *string  
	ACIProfileUUID             *string 
	Name                       *string  
	Description                *string   
	Workers                    *int64    
	Masters                    *int64   
	ResourcePool               *string          
	Networks                   *[]string 
	Type                       *int64 
	Datacenter                 *string 
	Cluster                    *string        
	Datastore                  *string 
	State                      *string 
	Template                   *string 
	SSHUser                    *string 
	SSHPassword                *string 
	SSHKey                     *string 
	Labels                     *[]Label 
	Nodes                      *[]Node   
	Deployer                   *KubeADM              
	KubernetesVersion          *string               
	ClusterEnvURL              *string               
	ClusterDashboardURL        *string               
	NetworkPlugin              *NetworkPlugin
	CCPPrivateSSHKey           *string              
	CCPPublicSSHKey            *string              
	NTPPools                   *[]string       
	NTPServers                 *[]string      
	IsControlCluster           *bool             
	IsAdopt                    *bool              
	RegistriesSelfSigned       *[]string           
	RegistriesInsecure         *[]string            
	RegistriesRootCA           *[]string          
	IngressVIPPoolID           *string             
	IngressVIPAddrID           *string              
	IngressVIPs                *[]string             
	KeepalivedVRID             *int64              
	HelmCharts                 *[]HelmChart    
	MasterVIPAddrID            *string          
	MasterVIP                  *string        
	MasterMACAddresses         *[]string           
	AuthList                   *[]string 
	IsHarborEnabled            *bool           
	HarborAdminServerPassword  *string        
	HarborRegistrySize         *string        
	LoadBalancerIPNum          *int64          
	IsIstioEnabled             *bool          
	WorkerNodePool             *WorkerNodePool  
	MasterNodePool             *MasterNodePool  
	Infra                      *Infra 

type Infra struct {
	Datacenter   *string   
	Datastore    *string  
	Cluster      *string   
	Networks     *[]string
	ResourcePool *string   

type Label struct {
	Key                        *string  
	Value                      *string  

type Node struct {
	UUID                       *string   
	Name                       *string   
	PublicIP                   *string    
	PrivateIP     		   *string   
	IsMaster     		   *bool  
	State     	           *string   
	CloudInitData  		   *string    
	KubernetesVersion          *string   
	ErrorLog         	   *string   
	Template       	           *string   
	MacAddresses               *[]string  

type Deployer struct {
	ProxyCMD     *string    
	ProviderType *string   
	Provider     *Provider 

type NetworkPlugin struct {
	Name   			   *string  
	Status 			   *string  
	Details			   *string  

type HelmChart struct {
	HelmChartUUID		   *string  
	ClusterUUID  		   *string  
	ChartURL     		   *string  
	Name         		   *string  
	Options     		   *string  

type Provider struct {
	VsphereDataCenter          *string             
	VsphereDatastore           *string             
	VsphereSCSIControllerType  *string           
	VsphereWorkingDir          *string           
	VsphereClientConfigUUID    *string          
	ClientConfig               *VsphereClientConfig  

type VsphereClientConfig struct {
	IP       		   *string  
	Port     		   *int64  
	Username 		   *string  
	Password 		   *string  

type WorkerNodePool struct {
	VCPUs   		   *int64   
	Memory  		   *int64   
	Template		   *string  

type MasterNodePool struct {
	VCPUs    		   *int64   
	Memory   		   *int64   
	Template 		   *string  

Clusters Field Explanations

Type Field Description
Cluster UUID UUID of the cluster
Cluster ProviderClientConfigUUID UUID of the provider for the cluster (e.g. vsphere provider) which can be found using the GetProviderClientConfigs() function
Cluster ACIProfileUUID UUID of the ACI profile used with the cluster which can be found using the GetACIProfiles() function
Cluster Name Name of the new cluster
Cluster Description Description for the new cluster
Cluster Workers Number of worker nodes. Must be greater than 0
Cluster Masters Number of master nodes. As of release 1.5 this value should be 1
Cluster ResourcePool The Vsphere resource pool in which the nodes will be running. If no reources have been created this is typically [cluster-name]/Resources
Cluster Networks Networks that the nodes will use, in the case of Vsphere these will be the names of the port groups that will attach to the K8s nodes. If using Hyperflex remember to include the k8-priv-iscsivm-network
Cluster Type As of CCP 1.5 this should be set to 1
Cluster Datacenter Vsphere datacenter in which the nodes will be deployed
Cluster Cluster Vsphere cluster on which the nodes will be deployed
Cluster Datastore Vsphere datastore on which the nodes will be deployed
Cluster Template The Vsphere template from which the nodes will be deployed. This should have been deployed at the initial installation e.g. ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-ubuntu16-1.5.0
Cluster SSHUser Username of a user to setup on each of the nodes as part of the cluster deployment. The nodes will then be accessible using this username and SSH key below. Use case includes troubleshooting
Cluster SSHPassword Password for the SSH user specified above
Cluster SSHKey Key for the SSH user specified above
Cluster Labels Labels configuration - See below
Cluster Nodes Node configuration - See below
Cluster Deployer Deployer configuration - See below
Cluster Kubernetes Version Version of Kubeternes to use
Cluster ClusterEnvURL
Cluster ClusterDashboardURL URL for the K8s dashboard of this cluster
Cluster NetworkPlugin Network plugin configuration - See below
Cluster CCPPrivateSSHKey
Cluster CCPPublicSSHKey
Cluster NTPPools NTP pools configrued for the cluster
Cluster NTPServers NTP servers configured within the pools mentioned above
Cluster IsControlCluster Whether or not this cluster is the CCP control cluster. For tenant clusters this should be false
Cluster IsAdopt
Cluster RegistriesSelfSigned
Cluster RegistriesInsecure
Cluster RegistriesRootCA
Cluster IngressVIPPoolID UUID of the Ingress VIP Pool used for the cluster. Required if using Load Balancer IP
Cluster IngressVIPAddressID UUID of the Ingress VIP address
Cluster IngressVIPs Individual VIP addresses assigned to the cluster
Cluster KeepaliveVRID
Cluster HelmCharts List of helm charts - See below
Cluster MasterVIPAddressID UUID of the Master VIP address
Cluster MasterVIP VIP address assigned to the master tenant cluster node
Cluster MasterMACAddresses MAC addresses of the interfaces on the master tenant cluster node
Cluster AuthList
Cluster IsHarborEnabled Whether or not Harbor is enabled- True or False
Cluster HarborAdminServerPassword
Cluster HarborRegistrySize
Cluster LoadBalancerIPNum Number of IP addresses to use from the VIP pool. If Istio is enabled this should be 3 or greater
Cluster IsIstioEnabled Whether or not Istio is enabled - True or False
Cluster WorkerNodePool Worker Node configuration - See below
Cluster MasterNodePool Master Node configuration - See below
Infra Datacenter Vsphere datacenter in which the nodes will be deployed
Infra Datastore Vsphere cluster on which the nodes will be deployed
Infra Cluster Vsphere datastore on which the nodes will be deployed
Infra Networks Networks that the nodes will use, in the case of Vsphere these will be the names of the port groups that will attach to the K8s nodes. If using Hyperflex remember to include the k8-priv-iscsivm-network
Infra ResourcePool The Vsphere resource pool in which the nodes will be running. If no resources have been created this is typically [cluster-name]/Resources
Label Key
Label Value
Node UUID UUID of the tenant cluster node
Node Name Name of the tenant cluster node
Node PublicIP Public IP of the tenant cluster node
Node PrivateIP Private IP of the tenant cluster node
Node IsMaster Whether or not the tenant cluster node is the K8s master
Node State The state of the node - when everything is working correctly this should be "READY"
Node CloudInitData
Node KubernetesVersion Version of Kubeternes running
Node ErrorLog
Node Template The Vsphere template from which the node was deployed. This should have been deployed at the initial installation e.g. ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-ubuntu16-1.5.0
Node MacAddresses MAC addresses of the interfaces on the tenant cluster node
Deployer ProxyCMD
Deployer ProviderType The type of provider supported - as of CCP 1.5 this will be vsphere
Deployer Provider Provider configuration - See below
NetworkPlugin Name Name of the network plugin - e.g. calico, contiv-vpp
NetworkPlugin Status Status of the plugin - when everything is working correctly this should be "ready"
NetworkPlugin Details "Includes details of the plugin e.g.
HelmChart HelmChartUUID UUID of the Helm chart
HelmChart ClusterUUID
HelmChart ChartURL
HelmChart Name Name of the Helm chart
HelmChart Options
Provider VsphereDataCenter Vsphere datacenter in which the nodes will be deployed
Provider VsphereDatastore Vsphere datastore on which the nodes will be deployed
Provider VsphereSCSIControllerType
Provider VsphereWorkingDir
Provider VsphereClientConfigUUID UUID of the provider for the cluster (e.g. vsphere provider) which can be found using the GetProviderClientConfigs() function
Provider ClientConfig
VsphereClientConfig IP
VsphereClientConfig Port
VsphereClientConfig Username
VsphereClientConfig Password
WorkerNodePool VCPUs Amount of vCPUs each K8s worker node will use
WorkerNodePool Memory Amount of memory each K8s worker node will use
WorkerNodePool Template The Vsphere template from which the nodes will be deployed. This should have been deployed at the initial installation
e.g. ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-ubuntu16-1.5.0
MasterNodePool VCPUs Amount of vCPUs each K8s master node will use
MasterNodePool Memory Amount of memory each K8s master node will use
MasterNodePool Template The Vsphere template from which the nodes will be deployed. This should have been deployed at the initial installation
e.g. ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-ubuntu16-1.5.0


func (s *Client) GetClusters() ([]Cluster, error)
  cluster, err := client.GetClusters()
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    for _, cluster := range clusters {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *cluster.Name)


func (s *Client) GetCluster(clusterName string) (*Cluster, error)
  cluster, err := client.GetCluster("myCluster")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *cluster.UUID)


func (s *Client) GetClusterHealth(clusterUUID string) (*Cluster, error) 


func (s *Client) GetClusterAuthz(clusterUUID string) (*Cluster, error)
  clusterAuthz, err := client.GetClusterAuthz("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *clusterAuthz.AuthList)


func (s *Client) GetClusterDashboard(clusterUUID string) (*string, error)
  clusterDashboardAddress, err := client.GetClusterDashboard("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *clusterDashboardAddress)


func (s *Client) GetClusterEnv(clusterUUID string) (*string, error) 
  clusterEnvironment, err := client.GetClusterEnv("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *clusterEnvironment)


func (s *Client) GetClusterHelmCharts(clusterUUID string) (*HelmChart, error)
  clusterHelmCharts, err := client.GetClusterHelmCharts("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    for _, clusterHelmChart := range clusterHelmCharts {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *clusterHelmChart.Name)


func (s *Client) AddCluster(cluster *Cluster) (*Cluster, error)
Required Fields
  • ProviderClientConfigUUID
  • Name
  • KubernetesVersion
  • ResourcePool
  • Networks
  • SSHKey
  • Datacenter
  • Cluster
  • Datastore
  • Workers
  • SSHUser
  • Type
  • Masters
  • Deployer
    • ProviderType
    • Provider
      • VsphereDataCenter
      • VsphereClientConfigUUID
      • VsphereDatastore
      • VsphereWorkingDir
  • NetworkPlugin
    • Name
    • Status
    • Details
  • IsHarborEnabled
  • LoadBalancerIPNum
  • IsIstioEnabled
  • WorkerNodePool
    • VCPUs
    • Memory
    • Template
  • MasterNodePool
    • VCPUs
    • Memory
    • Template
workerNodePool := ccp.WorkerNodePool{
  VCPUs:    ccp.Int64(2),
  Memory:  ccp.Int64(16384),
  Template: ccp.String("ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.4.0"),

masterNodePool := ccp.MasterNodePool{
  VCPUs:    ccp.Int64(2),
  Memory:  ccp.Int64(16384),
  Template: ccp.String("ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.4.0"),
networkPlugin := ccp.NetworkPlugin{
  Name:    ccp.String("contiv-vpp"),
  Status:  ccp.String(""),
  Details: ccp.String("{\"pod_cidr\":\"\"}"),
provider := ccp.Provider{
  VsphereDataCenter:       ccp.String("ccp-lab"),
  VsphereDatastore:        ccp.String("ccpDatastore"),
  VsphereClientConfigUUID: ccp.String("example-uuid-aaa-bbb-ccc"),
  VsphereWorkingDir:       ccp.String("/ccp-lab/vm"),

deployer := ccp.Deployer{
  ProviderType: ccp.String("vsphere"),
  Provider: &provider,

var networks []string

networks = append(networks, "ccp-network/ccp-network-portgroup")
newCluster := ccp.Cluster{
  ProviderClientConfigUUID: ccp.String("1234abcd-1234-0000-aaaa-abcdef12345"),
  Name:                     ccp.String("ccp-api-cluster"),
  KubernetesVersion:        ccp.String("1.10.1"),
  SSHKey:            	    ccp.String("ssh-rsa sshkey123abc me@locahost"),
  Datacenter:       	    ccp.String("ccp-lab"),
  Cluster:                  ccp.String("hx-cluster"),
  ResourcePool: 	    ccp.String("hx-cluster/Resources"),
  Networks:    		    &networks,
  Datastore:    	    ccp.String("ccpDatastore"),
  Template:     	    ccp.String("ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.1.0.ova"),
  Masters:      	    ccp.Int64(1),
  Workers:      	    ccp.Int64(2),
  SSHUser:      	    ccp.String("ccpuser"),
  Type:         	    ccp.Int64(1),
  Deployer: 		    &deployer,
  NetworkPlugin:            &networkPlugin,
  IsHarborEnabled: 	    ccp.Bool(false),	    
  LoadBalanderIPNum: 	    ccp.Int64(1),                
  IsIstioEnabled: 	    ccp.Bool(false),
  WorkerNodePool:           &workerNodePool,
  MasterNodePool:           &masterNodePool,

cluster, err := client.AddCluster(&newCluster)

if err != nil {
} else {
  fmt.Println("Cluster UUID: " + *cluster.UUID)


This function was added in order to provide users a simpler way of creating clusters. The list of required fields has been shortend with defaults and computed values such as UUIDs to be automatically configured on behalf of the user.

The following fields and values will be configured automatically with the remainder to be specified by the user as shown in the example below.

  • ProviderClientConfigUUID - retrived automatically from the provider config
  • KubernetesVersion - default will be set to 1.10.1
  • Type - default will be set to 1
  • Deployer
    • ProviderType will be set to "vsphere"
    • Provider
      • VsphereDataCenter - already specified as part of Cluster struct so will use this same value
      • VsphereClientConfigUUID - retrived automatically from the provider config
      • VsphereDatastore - already specified as part of Cluster struct so will use this same value
      • VsphereWorkingDir - default will be set to /VsphereDataCenter/vm
  • NetworkPlugin
    • Name - default will be set to contiv-vpp
    • Status - default will be set to ""
    • Details - default will be set to "{"pod_cidr":""}"
  • WorkerNodePool
    • VCPUs - default will be set to 2
    • Memory - default will be set to 16384
  • MasterNodePool
    • VCPUs - default will be set to 2
    • Memory - default will be set to 8192

Any fields outside of the required fields are optional

func (s *Client) AddClusterBasic(cluster *Cluster) (*Cluster, error)
Required Fields
  • Name
  • Datacenter
  • Cluster
  • Datastore
  • ResourcePool
  • Template
  • Networks
  • SSHUser
  • SSHKey
  • Masters
  • Workers
  • IsHarborEnabled
  • IsIstioEnabled
var networks []string

networks = append(networks, "ccp-network/ccp-network-portgroup")
newCluster := ccp.Cluster{
  Name:                     ccp.String("ccp-api-cluster"),
  Datacenter:       	    ccp.String("ccp-lab"),
  Cluster:                  ccp.String("hx-cluster"),
  Datastore:    	    ccp.String("ccpDatastore"),
  ResourcePool: 	    ccp.String("hx-cluster/Resources"),
  SSHUser:      	    ccp.String("ccpuser"),
  SSHKey:            	    ccp.String("ssh-rsa sshkey123abc me@locahost"),
  Template:     	    ccp.String("ccp-tenant-image-1.10.1-1.1.0.ova"),
  Masters:      	    ccp.Int64(1),
  Workers:      	    ccp.Int64(2),
  IsHarborEnabled: 	    ccp.Bool(false),	                  
  IsIstioEnabled: 	    ccp.Bool(false),
  Networks:    		    &networks,

cluster, err := client.AddClusterBasic(&newCluster)

if err != nil {
} else {
  fmt.Println("Cluster UUID: " + *cluster.UUID)


func (s *Client) PatchCluster(cluster *Cluster) (*Cluster, error) 
Required Fields
  • UUID
  • Workers
Available Fields To Patch
  • Workers
  • LoadBalanderIPNum
newCluster := ccp.Cluster{
  UUID: ccp.String("aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee"),
  Workers: ccp.Int64(3),
  LoadBalanderIPNum: ccp.Int64(3),
cluster, err := client.PatchCluster(&newCluster)

if err != nil {
} else {
  fmt.Println("Cluster UUID: " + *cluster.UUID)


func (s *Client) DeleteCluster(uuid string) error 
err = client.DeleteCluster("aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee")

if err != nil {


type ProviderClientConfig struct {
	UUID   		*string  
	Name   		*string  
	Type   		*int64 
	Config 		*Config  

type Config struct {
	IP       	*string  
	Port     	*int64  
	Username 	*string  

type Vsphere struct {
	Datacenters 	*[]string  
	Clusters    	*[]string 
	VMs         	*[]string  
	Networks    	*[]string  
	Datastores  	*[]string 
	Pools       	*[]string  


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigs() ([]ProviderClientConfig, error)
  providerClientConfigs, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigs()
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    for _, providerClientConfig := range providerClientConfigs {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfig.Name)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfig(clientUUID string) (*ProviderClientConfig, error)
  providerClientConfig, err := client.GetProviderClientConfig("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfig.Name)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigClusters(clientUUID string) ([]Cluster, error)
  providerClientConfigClusters, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigClusters("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
     for _, providerClientConfigCluster := range providerClientConfigClusters {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfigCluster.Name)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenter(clientUUID string) (*Vsphere, error) 
  providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenter, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenter("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenter.Datacenters)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterClusters(clientUUID string, datacenter string) (*Vsphere, error)
  providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterClusters, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterClusters("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID", "myDatacenter")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterClusters.Clusters)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterVMs(clientUUID string, datacenter string) (*Vsphere, error)
  providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterVMs, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterVMs("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID", "myDatacenter")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterVMs.VMs)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterNetworks(clientUUID string, datacenter string) (*Vsphere, error)
  providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterNetworks, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterNetworks("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID", "myDatacenter")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterNetworks.Networks)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterDatastores(clientUUID string, datacenter string) (*Vsphere, error)
  providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterDatastores, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterDatastores("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID", "myDatacenter")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterDatastores.Datastores)


func (s *Client) GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterClusterPools(clientUUID string, datacenter string, cluster string) (*Vsphere, error) 
  providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterPools, err := client.GetProviderClientConfigVsphereDatacenterClusterPools("AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-UUID", "myDatacenter", "myCluster")
  if err != nil {
  } else {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *providerClientConfigVsphereDatacenterPools.Pools)


type ACIProfile struct {
	UUID                   	   *string                
	Name                 	   *string               
	APICHosts              	   *string                
	APICUsername               *int64                
	APICPassword               *int64               
	ACIVMMDomainName           *string           
	ACIInfraVLANID             *string           
	VRFName                    *string      
	L3OutsidePolicyName        *string         
	L3OutsideNetworkName       *string         
	AAEPName                   *string              
	Nameservers                *[]string             
	ACIAllocator               *ACIProfileAllocatorConfig 
	ControlPlaneContractName   *string                     

type ACIProfileAllocatorConfig struct {
	NodeVLANStart     	   *int64   
	NodeVLANEnd       	   *int64  
	MulticastRange     	   *string  
	ServiceSubnetStart 	   *string 
	PodSubnetStart     	   *string  


func (s *Client) GetACIProfiles() ([]ACIProfile, error) 
  aciProfiles, err := client.GetACIProfiles()
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    for _, aciProfile := range aciProfiles {
      fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *aciProfile.Name)


type LDAPSetup struct {
	Server                		*string  
	Port                   		*int64   
	BaseDN                 		*string  
	ServiceAccountDN       		*string  
	ServiceAccountPassword 		*string  
	StartTLS               		*bool    
	InsecureSkipVerify     		*bool    


func (s *Client) GetLDAPSetup() (*LDAPSetup, error)
  ldapSetup, err := client.GetLDAPSetup()
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *ldapSetup.Server)


type Role struct {
	Role		 *string  


func (s *Client) GetRole() (*Role, error)
  role, err := client.GetRole()
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", *role.Role)


This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample Code License.