
Simple flask portal to onboard NX devices into NSO after POAP has been completed

Primary LanguagePython

NX9k POAP & NSO middleware

Simple flask application that will react upon get requests (copy commands) from a NX device performing POAP. It will then wait for 10 minutes (for the device restart) to let NSO know that it should be onboarded


  1. Device restarts without configuration
  2. Starts POAP process
  3. Gets DHCP address
  4. Downloads poap.py script
  5. At the end, the poap.py script makes a get request using the copy command with its serial number
  6. The middleware starts a new thread that will wait 10 minutes before sending requests to NSO


  • See Pipfile.lock for python libraries
  • NSO 5.3 or greater with NX driver


  1. Clone this repo on any OS with python 3 installed
  2. Install dependencies (you can use pipenv - As long as you have flask and requests should be ok)
  3. Add env variables with NSO credentials. For example
export NSO_URL=[http|https]://<NSO_IP>:<NSO_PORT>/restconf 
export NSO_USER=admin
export NSO_PASSWORD=supersecret
  1. Start flask application
python run.py
  1. Make sure to map the correct values for your infrastructure in the poap.py file (lines 20-25 and 142)
