Grandmaster is a chess application written in C++. This implementation includes features such as exporting the PGN of a game, and saving players and their ELO rating. Grandmaster is currently a work in progress.
# Main commands:
add <robot> <name> # Adds new player. <robot> must be a valid robot
remove <name> # Removes the player with name <name>
export <type> <file> # Write the <type>-ified last game to the given file. Type can be PGN or FEN
exit # Exits from the game
# Game commands:
game <name> <name> # Starts a game between the two given players
move <pos> <pos> <P> # Moves the piece at the given position (only use P for promotions)
undo # Returns the game to the state before the last move
resign # Resigns from the current game
export <type> <file> # Writes the <type>-ified current game to the given file. Type can be PGN
The most basic of the robots - you can control where the robot moves.
This robot moves a random legal move each game. If you can't beat him, please delete Grandmaster from your computer.
Error: Player data is corrupt. Failed to load all players.
Someone has messed around with your saved data, and so not all players could be loaded. To fix the issue, either revert made changes to player.dat or delete the file. Grandmaster will generate a new save file, but you will lose all current players.
To run Grandmaster, run the following code:
git clone
cd Grandmaster && make
- Load games in .PGN format
- Move with standard PGN notation
- Stalemate if moves are repeated enough
- Method to allow for draw control
- Artificial intelligence to play against
- Graphical interface
- Various TODOs spread throughout the code