
Linter to identify and fix style & security issues in Solidity

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Solium is a Security & Style focused Linter for your Solidity Smart Contracts.

It provides powerful rules for writing cleaner, more secure contracts, automatic code formatting and simple-to-understand re-distributable configuration files.


npm install -g solium
solium -V

Install from the snap store

In any of the supported Linux distros:

sudo snap install solium --edge

(Note that this is an experimental and unstable release, at the moment)


In the root directory of your DApp, run the following:

solium --init

This creates 2 files for you:

  • .soliumignore - contains names of files and directories to ignore while linting
  • .soliumrc.json - contains configuration that tells Solium how to lint your project. You should modify this file to configure rules, plugins and sharable configs.

.soliumrc.json looks something like:

  "extends": "solium:all",
  "plugins": ["security"],
  "rules": {
    "quotes": ["error", "double"],
    "indentation": ["error", 4],
    "arg-overflow": ["warning", 3]

Lint a single Solidity file

solium -f ./contracts/foobar.sol

Lint over a directory

solium -d contracts/

Or over the entire project using solium -d .. Solium lints all the files inside your project with .sol extension.

Additional Options

  1. Use --watch to enable Hot loading (Hot swapping).
  2. Use the --fix flag to apply automatic formatting
  3. Use solium --help to get the full list of options you can supply.

Migrating from v0

If you're currently using Solium v0, we highly recommend you to migrate to v1. v1 is backward compatible and provides you with much greater flexibility to configure rules, powerful security rules and auto code formatting among other features.