
.github is a ✨special✨ repository for our public organization profile, wiki, legal and other files.

Citizen, since 2019, is a registered Canadian not-for-profit #1170264-5. We operate as an social enterprise focusing on creating long-lasting solutions to long standing social and civic problems through low cost modren technology.

Developing for Ottawa, Canada
Headquarted in Bayshore

🌈 Contribution guidelines - How can the community get involved?
Make contact via control.ottawa at gmail.com or via Discord.

For Developers: Reach out to get invited to the full set of repositories here. Feel free to comment, suggest, tackle issues or interact however you see each projects readme.

For Change Makers: We appreciate likes, shares, feedback, corrections, donations, invites and sponsorships. Teamwork makes the dreamwork ❤️

👩‍💻 Useful Resources Where can the community find your docs? Is there anything else the community should know?

🧙 Fun facts