
Complete Django Project for Citta Website Demo

About the Code

The code for this project is contained the main citta folder, and dvided in two parts: the sub citta folder, and the scheduler folder.


The sub citta folder contains code pertaining to the entire site. contains the settings for the site.

The settings to take special note of are DATABASES, which describes the backed for the project, and SITE_ID, which needs to be changed whether running locally or on google.

Simlarly, GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET need to be changed. Both the local an production options are present, which one version commented out. describes the url patterns that are valid for this site. The first url is for the scheduler app, the second is for the admin page, and the third is for login scripts.


The scheduler folder is for the scheduling app specfically, and contains the bulk of the relevant code. contains code to change what is available on the admin page. has classes which describe the tables in the database. The classes describe the columns and relationships between the tables. has classes which describe user input forms that appear on the site.They contain information about what model they affect, what fields they use, and any custom validation necessary. describes the urls that refer to various pages in this app. Because this app has the url scheduler\, all of there patterns come after scheduler. They are all tied to a function in, and have names so they can be easily referred to in other files. is the most important file in the project. It contains the code that runs when any of the urls are accessed. The methods at the bottom of the file, beginning with progress on line 209, are methods which return either rendered html, or redirects to other urls.

progress, edittask, newtask, and setuser are all form validation views. When accesed using GET, they render a form, and when accesed using POST, they validate and save the form, then redirect the user.

deletetask', logout, and reschedule` do not have any associated html, they are purely function and will always redirect after running their associated code.

All of the non-view methods are for the scheduling algorithm, and have been commented and documted within the code.


All of the html for this site is located in scheduler/templates/scheduler.

Other files, such as javascript and css files, are in scheduler/static


NOTE: To run django python commands, make sure the python virtualenv has been activated, by running source env/bin/activate in the main citta directory.

In order to run site, make sure the following are true:

  • DEBUG is set to TRUE (for debugging) or FALSE (for deployment) in scheduler/
  • In the same file, SITE_ID is set to the appropriate value (see file)
  • Again in, change the two Google OAuth2 Key Values to their appropriate values.

Then, to run locally, go to the main citta directory and run the command python runserver.