
A reusable feedback component that integrates into Helsinki's Open311 feedback system and is styled according to HDS.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NOTE: This project is currently being released in a temporary npm package until we have a first release candidate ready for publishing.

Demo: http://kuva-feedback-component.prod.kuva.hel.ninja/

Quick Start

Note: This component uses hds-react, which injects some global styles for instance for headings. Be mindful of this if your application does not already use HDS. 174

Note: This component does not inject the Helsinki Grotesk font for you--you must add it yourself.

1. Request API key

Posting feedback requires an API key. Instructions for requesting and API key can be found from here.

For requests made against the test API, you can find credentials from here.

2. Integrate component

Install it

yarn add kuva-feedback-component-temp

Add it into your application


// ...
import { FeedbackComponent } from "kuva-feedback-component-temp";

// ...

const feedbackComponentBackendConfig = {
  apiKey: "...",
  // Location of feedback API
  url: "...",
  // Which service you want to send the feedback into. For instance KuVa
  // has its own service code.
  serviceCode: "...",

// ...

function App() {
  const { i18n } = useTranslate();

  return (
        render={(props) => (


// ...
<Link path="/feedback">{t("footer.doGiveFeedback")}</Link>
// ...

Module API



Prop Description
backendConfig?*: Open311BackendConfig The component provides a default backend that integrates it into Helsinki's Open311 based feedback system. If you want to use it, you have to provide this configuration object. You can find an example from storybook.
enableReinitialize?: boolean
default: false
By default the form listens on initialValues values on mount and ignores subsequent changes to them. By toggling this flag up, changes in initialValues will cascade into the form's state.
exclude?: FormFields[]
default: []
Control fields that are excluded from the form. Fields are first included and then excluded. If you include and exclude the same field, it will be excluded.
include?: FormFields[]
default: all
Control which fields you want to include into the form.
initialValues?: FormValues
default: defaultInitialValues
By default the form has empty initial values. If you want to pre-fill some fields, you can use this object to do so.
insertLocale?: string
default: true
By default the form send the value of locale prop in the locale field. In case the locale of the form does not match the locale of the written content, you can provide a string value that represents a locale. You can turn off location insertion by setting the prop as false
locale: string Controls the current language of the component.
messages?: Messages
default: defaultMessages
Controls the messages that are used for translations.
onSubmit?*: (values: FeedbackComponentValues) => Promise<unknown> If you do not want to use the default backend, you can use a custom one by providing onSubmit.
theme?: FormTheme
default: hdsTheme
By default this component is themed to match with HDS. If you do not want that, or you need to tweak the component due to some other reason, you can do it by providing a theme. You can use the hdsTheme as a basis for your tweak.

* = the prop may be required based on conditions


The set of translations that the FeedbackForm component uses by default.


An object containing a set of components that are styled according to HDS.


The FeedbackForm component is internationalized into three locales by default: fi, sv and en.

The component requires its consumer to provide the current locale as in most cases trying to infer it automatically would be doing something the consuming application has already done.

Changing translation content

If some of the default translations do not suit your needs, you can always overwrite the defaults by using FeedbackForm's messages prop. I recommend that you import defaultMessages from this package and use it as a basis for your new translations.

Adding new locales

You can add new locales by overriding the default messages by using FeedbackForm's messages prop. I recommend that you import defaultMessages from this package and extend it with your new locale. After the new locale is added, you can toggle the component to use it by simply changing the locale prop into that locale.

For Developers of Library

Demo for develop branch: http://kuva-feedback-component.test.kuva.hel.ninja/

Name Purpose Useful Options
yarn start Start storybook that points to /src. Useful for developers of this component.
yarn lint Lints the application to be according to quality standards (eslint) and formatting standards (prettier). --fix: fix fixable problems
yarn test Runs local tests with jest. --watch: enable watch mode
yarn build Builds application with rollup.


The yarn start command will start storybook in port 6006. When you make changes in src, they'll be automatically updated to storybook.

The storybook in this project is configured to build with a setup that mimics CRA.


This project uses rollup for its final bundle.

Releasing new versions

A new version of the npm package is automatically released when a new release is created in GitHub. Additionally, a new canary release is created after each new push into develop.