
DORIS Publications Portal

Primary LanguagePython

Government Publications Portal

The Unholy Union of Alan Chen's Government Publications Sumissions Portal WIP and the Government Publications Portal developed in the Summer of 2014.

Flask + React & Redux, using the JSend specification and the Semantic-UI framework

Development Process Notes

  • The following directories and files in app/ should not be altered manually:

    • templates/
    • static/
    • asset-manifest.json
    • favicon.ico
    • package.json
  • Changes made during frontend development should only affect the gpp/ directory.

  • In order to run the Government Publications Portal without having to launch the React app (i.e. Flask only), run ./build.sh.

    • This script will produce a build of the React app optimized for production--using npm run build--and will transfer it to app/.
    • Since master should always be in a production-ready state, build.sh should be executed before pushing to the branch whenever any frontend changes are made.
  • SQLAlchemy query code should be restricted to the app/database/ directory.

    • Rather than retrieving a user record directly via User.query.filter_by, for instance, a new method should be added to the app.database.user.User class and that method will be called to perform the retrieval.
  • Expected console warnings (as of 4/10/17):

    • Accessing PropTypes via the main React package is deprecated...
      • The current version of react-router is still using React.PropTypes
    • MaskedInput: React.createClass is deprecated...
      • The current version of react-text-mask is still using React.createClass

Customizing CSS Theme

Should Semantic-UI vanilla styles become too bland, check this out.

Redux Usage

  • Currently, Redux is only being used to manage pseudo-user authentication. Since Flask-Login is handling user state on the server, the Redux store simply consists of a toggleable boolean: authenticated.
  • Redux Persist is used to maintain application state across a browser refresh.

How To: Forms

Part 1 - BE

  • To quickly generate a jsonschema for a specific form, go here.
    • Please refer to app/schemas for examples.
  • We stray from the spec when providing custom error messages.
    • These error messages should be parsed by a validation utility. See validate_json in app/resources/lib.py.
"date": {
    "pattern": "\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{4}",
    "type": "string",
    "error": {  // not spec-compliant
        "pattern": "This is not a valid date value."

Part 2 - FE

  • Please refer to http://react.semantic-ui.com/collections/form
  • A higher-order component, withValidation, is provided in gpp/src/custom.js to aid the form creation process. It handles the collection, updating, and submission of form data and will populate its state's error property if there are issues during submission or if the server responds with any errors.

Development Environment Setup

  1. Make sure you have VirtualBox version 5.1.18.

    • If you have a later version and initial setup fails, please install 5.1.18 and retry.
    • You can upgrade to the latest version and vagrant reload after your setup is complete.
  2. Copy / Development Tools / Vagrant Boxes /rhel-6.8.virtualbox.box from smb://csc.nycnet/doris/doris_share/development into your project root or any desired directory.

    • You may need to supply your CSC credentials.
  3. Run ./setup.sh from within your project root directory.

    • This script will attempt to:

      • Add the rhel-6.8-5.1.18 vagrant box
      • Install the vagrant plugins vagrant-reload, vagrant-vbguest, and vagrant-triggers
      • Copy Vagrantfile.example into Vagrantfile
      • Prompt you for your RedHat Developer Account credentials
        • If you do not have a developer account, create one.
      • Build your development VM
    • If you experience build errors, try re-provisioning (at most once):

        RH_USER=<Your RedHat Username> RH_PASS=<Your Redhat Password> vagrant provision
    • If you do not want to set the RH_ environment variables and you don't mind having your RedHat credentials stored in your Vagrantfile, you can add them on lines 4 and 5.

  4. Run vagrant ssh to connect to your development environment.

  5. Run python manage.py runserver to start the app. You can access it on your browser at

    • You can also run python manage.py runserver -host to access the app at localhost:8000

You can stop here if you're only doing backend development. Otherwise, you will need to do the following:

  1. In the settings of your preferred project editor, set the Tab Size and Indent to 2. If you are using PyCharm (2016.3), these settings can be found in Preferences > Editor > Code Styles.

  2. Install npm (or yarn)

    OS X: brew install npm

    RedHat: sudo yum -y install rh-nodejs4; scl enable rh-nodejs4 bash

    • It might be a good idea to make an alias for that second command as you will need to execute it before running any npm command: alias enable_node="scl enable rh-nodejs4 bash"
  3. Navigate to gpp/ and run npm install

  4. Run npm start

    • The application that has been started is the only one you need to access via browser (see table below) in order to test any changes. The Flask app will serve as your backend so make sure that is running as well!
Environment Browser Address package.json proxy hot reload?
Local http://localhost:4000 http://localhost:8000 Yes
Vagrant http://localhost:5000 http://localhost:5000 No :(