
Rules of Zion

MIT LicenseMIT

Community Governance

This is the home of the City of Zion (CoZ) community rules and reports. Our formalization reflects a humble move from the NEO team to receive our contributions and provide support for quality work.

The community is free to choose its own targets and objectives. That said, our goal is to improve NEO, so we will align with the NEO team's needs and avoid retreading old ground as much as possible, unless it is possible to attain a substantially higher level of quality.

The initial structure is:

  1. There will be a council always composed of 9 members. They are the Council team in our organization.

  2. There will be a high council composed of 4 members of the council. They are the Maintainers of the Council team.

  3. Any member of CoZ can create and collaborate on projects.

  4. There will be a weekly report delivered to NEO by the high council via a PGP signed email and correspondent pull request on GitHub.

  5. In case of any support from NEO as reward or bounty, the funds will initially be held by a trusted third party in wallet AXSoNQEKjmqPBNPg5cNrHyWivfjok3Vj9D for distribution.

  6. After 1 September 2017, all CoZ funds will be held in a multi-sig wallet requiring a majority of the high council to unlock funding.

  7. Rewards distribution will be voted on by project before being sent. There must be a majority agreement of all 9 council members.

  8. All decisions not explicitly differentiated in this list will be voted upon as in item 7.

  9. Item 7 voting polls of the council will run for 1 week on the #council Slack channel and after closing will be published in the #develop channel.

  10. The high council will be voted upon each quarter, synchronizing with the quarters of the year. The first election will be on 1 October 2017. The newly elected high council can propose changes to these rules during the first week after the election. Changes will be voted upon as in item 7.

  11. Any member of the council or high council is free to forfeit their position at any time. When this happens, an election will take place and a majority of council members must decide upon a replacement.

  12. Any member of the council that does not vote on polls for more than 2 months will automatically forfeit their position.