This repository contains the files and assignments for the Los Angeles: The City and the Library course project. The project site was created using the Boulevardier framework.
Here you will find due dates and step-by-step instructions for your GitHub assignments. Do not wait until the last minute. You will likely experience issues (both technical and editorial) and will need time to edit, troubleshoot, and/or receive help. Check in with Slack at least once a day for feedback and messages!
Monday, Oct. 3
- In class:
- Introduction to the project, Image Worksheet and Assignment Guide
- Homework: completion of Module 1 due Wednesday, Oct. 9
Wednesday, Oct. 26
Monday, Nov. 7 Begin Module 4
Wednesday, Nov. 9 Lab Class in Special Collecitons, with Cesar Reyes. Modules 2 and 4 to be completed in lab.
- Assignment 2: Images Homework: completion of Modules 3,6,7,8, and 9
- Assignment 3: Prep and submit your images
- Assignment 6: Preparing your article stub
- Assignment 7: Start filling in your article stub (template)
- Assignment 8: Submit your work with a "Pull Request"
- Assignment 9: The Map Marker worksheet
Monday, Nov. 14 Modules 10, 11, and 12 to be completed in class.
- Assignment 10: Complete the teiHeader, bibliography, and image sections
- Assignment 11: Map Marker and Article Body
- Homework:
- Complete your article .xml file, check over your work and your live site to make sure everything is displaying correctly, then submit your final "Pull Request"! Do not wait until the last minute. You will likely experience issues (both technical and editorial) and will need time to edit, troubleshoot, and/or receive help.
Wednesday, Nov. 23 Completion of Module 13
- Completed article and pull requests due. *Please submit earlier in case you need to edit or fix any errors!
Wednesday, Nov. 30
- Group presentations and reveal of your final project!