Oi! 👋

My name is Alexander, and I'm a software developer from Sweden. I currently work at @pafcloud, as a Senior Software Developer focusing on backend services using spring-boot.

In my spare time I work on Minecraft server mods, such as PlotSquared. I also like to play around with other Java projects. The project I'm the most proud of is Incendo/cloud, which is a command dispatcher for the JVM. The two programming languages I'm the most comfortable with are Java and Kotlin. As for spoken languages, I prefer English and Swedish - Although, I'm currently trying to learn Spanish as well (pero tengo que estudiar más porque no lo hablo bien... 😅)

I am also the founder of IntellectualSites (GitHub/Discord) and Incendo (GitHub/Discord). You can always reach me in the Incendo Discord! My personal Discord tag is (currently) Citymonstret#8560.