
Taylor Swift Ipsum

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Taylor Swift lorem ipsum generator 😱

This is a work in progress (Version 1). Below is a running TODO list for me:

  • In generateIpsum remove the chosen word to remove the possibility of duplicate words Actually, should not be done because a user may wish to generate a number of words greater than the total number of unique words available
  • In highlightHashtags we might want to add the tumblr hastag link (which would be super easy) Nah, this might be annoying for people when they try to copy the text
  • Impliment a different way to get wordcount, possibly by number of spaces
  • Refresh the Giphy loading gif on each submission
  • In addGrammar add punctuation to the end of the last sentence
  • Refactor ajax / css
  • Use SASS / Compass
  • In addGrammar we want the first letter of the hashtag to be uppercase if it's at the beginning of the sentence
  • Compress JS
  • Integrate Twitter account
  • Experiment with rap genius fake apis & applying this to other artists

Check out the site: http://taylorswiftipsum.com/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/taylorswipsum