A Taylor Swift lorem ipsum generator 😱
This is a work in progress (Version 1). Below is a running TODO list for me:
InActually, should not be done because a user may wish to generate a number of words greater than the total number of unique words availablegenerateIpsum
remove the chosen word to remove the possibility of duplicate wordsInNah, this might be annoying for people when they try to copy the texthighlightHashtags
we might want to add the tumblr hastag link (which would be super easy)Impliment a different way to get wordcount, possibly by number of spacesRefresh the Giphy loading gif on each submissionInaddGrammar
add punctuation to the end of the last sentenceRefactor ajax / cssUse SASS / Compass- In
we want the first letter of the hashtag to be uppercase if it's at the beginning of the sentence - Compress JS
- Integrate Twitter account
- Experiment with rap genius fake apis & applying this to other artists
Check out the site: http://taylorswiftipsum.com/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/taylorswipsum