Tourist Bureau Workshop

You will build a website for the local visitor's bureau that will help tourists explore all the things to do in the area. If they find an excursion they like, they can buy "e-tickets" directly from the site.

Be sure to look at previous projects for inspiration

Home Page (required)

A home page with informational text/images promoting the town and navigation links to the other pages. It needs a professional, but minimalistic appearance. Their budget for this project is tiny!

Activities Page (required)

The page will feature a dropdown list that contains the types (categories) of activities offered by vendors in our community. Once users select a category they will be presented with a list of activities in that category. When they select an activity, they will be presented with details and options about that activity.


  • Display a dropdown list of the provided categories to the user

    • Add a <select> to the activities.html with a matching id and name property to display the categories
    • In scripts/activities.js write a function that generates options for the categories <select> using the data in the categories array provided. Use the activity for the textContent and value for each option you generate.
    • Be sure to include a default option that says Select an Activity with an empty string as its value.
    • Call the function in the window.onload function to populate the dropdown list with the options when the page loads
    • Make a commit and push your changes to GitHub
  • When a category is selected, display a dropdown of matching activities

    • Add a <select> to the activities.html with a matching id and name property to display the activities for the selected category
    • In scripts/activities.js listen for the change event on the categories dropdown created above using addEventListener in the window.onload function.
    • Create a function that is called with the event listener that finds the matching activities in the provided activities. You can leverage the function included below to help you find the matching activities.
    • In that same function, write code that generates options for the activities <select> from the activities that match the selected category. Use the name property for the textContent and the id property value for each option you generate.
    • Be sure to include a default option that says Select an Activity with an empty string as its value.
    • Make a commit and push your changes to GitHub
  • When an activity is selected, information about that activity to the user

    • Add a <div> to the activities.html with an id property to display the information about the selected activity
    • In scripts/activities.js listen for the change event on the activities dropdown created above using addEventListener in the window.onload function.
    • Create a function that is called with the event listener that finds the selected activity in the activities array. You can leverage the selectedIndex property of the dropdown list to find the matching activity in the activities array.
    • Display the details of the selected activity to the user in the <div> created above. Consider creating a function that takes an activity as a parameter and handles displaying the information about the activity on the page.
    • Make a commit and push your changes to GitHub

    remeber to clear the activies select everytime a new category is selected. You can set the dropdown lists length property to 0 to clear the options. Example

    someDropdown.length = 0;
  • (OPTIONAL STRETCH GOAL) display a form to purchase an e-ticket if the price of the activity is more than $0.00

    • Create a form on the page with the following fields:
      • the number of tickets needed
      • a credit card number
      • an email address
      • a purchase/submit button
      • a reset button
    • If the user clicks the purchase button, display the following message.

      Your credit card has been charged $(amount) for (number-of-tickets) to (adventure-name). A confirmation email has been sent to (email).

    Here are some functions that will help you be successful

    //This function will hide or show an HTML element on the page
    //Just pass it the id of the element you want to show/hide
    function hideOrShowElement(someSelector) {
        let el = document.querySelector(someSelector);
        if ( === "none") {
   = "block";
        } else {
   = "none";
    //This function will return a a list of the matching activities for a given category
    //Just pass it the array of activities and the category you are looking for
    function getActivitiesInCategory(activities, category) {
        //start by creating an empty list to hold our matches
        let matching = [];
        //number of items on the menu
        let numItems = activities.length;
        //loop over the activities to find matches
        for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
            if (activities[i].category === category) {
                //add that activity to our matches array
        //return all the matching menu items
        return matching;
    //Example usage
    let matches = getActivitiesInCategory(activities, "Adventures"); 

Hiking Page (Optional)

This page is a bonus page. Make sure to do a good job on the activities page before attempting this page. The page will feature a dropdown list of local hikes loaded from the data. Make sure a "Select a Hike" option appears in the dropdown list. When the user selects a hike, details about that hike will be displayed along with two images (one taken along the hike and another showing a trail map). Sample images are included in the images folder. To see how to change the source for an image programmatically using JavaScript, see the following:

Video Page (Optional)

This page is a bonus page. Make sure to do a good job on the activities page before attempting this page. A page that lets tourists watch a video about the area. You can use any YouTube video (or other source) you find that seems reasonable.