
clipboard support without the need for +clipboard through xclip, kinda

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


clipboard support without the need for +clipboard through xclip, kinda

  • copy text to your system clipboard by yanking into the x register
  • automatically synced with system clipboard on focus(if FocusGained works, which it probably won't)
  • only depends on xclip, no need for +clipboard in your vim

made solely because I did not feel like installing more packages to get a vim with +clipboard support on Arch Linux


since the focus event probably isn't working and your system clipboard won't be synced to your x register automatically, you might want to make a paste command along the lines of this:

nnoremap <leader>p :call GetClip()<CR>"xp

this sets the x register to whatever is in your system clipboard(xclip -o -selection clipboard) before pasting into vim. you can of course also map :call GetClip()<CR> to a separate key combo and later paste it through whatever other binds you have, or the default "xp.


  • only ever tested in vim
  • I personally don't use gvim
  • non of the terminal emulators I have tested have had working FocusGained, your mileage may vary