Primary LanguageASP.NET

API Documentation

This document provides details on how to use the Express API provided for managing teams, players, matches, and models.

Table of Contents

Base URL

The base URL for accessing the API is http://localhost:3000.


The API requires a valid token to access its endpoints. Include the "token" in the headers of your requests. If the token is not provided or is invalid, the API will return a 401 Unauthorized response.

Error Handling

The API handles errors and returns appropriate status codes. If an error occurs, the API will respond with a JSON object containing the error details.


| Endpoint | Method | Description | Query Parameters |

Endpoint Method Description Query Parameters
/teams GET Get a list of teams or filter by name. name: Filter by team name.
/teams/:id GET Get team details by ID.
/teams POST Create a new team.
/teams/:id PUT Update team details by ID.
/teams/:id DELETE Delete a team by ID.
/players GET Get a list of players or filter by Epic ID or name. epic_id: Filter by player Epic ID, name: Filter by player name.
/players/:id GET Get player details by ID.
/players POST Create a new player.
/players/:id PUT Update player details by ID.
/players/:id DELETE Delete a player by ID.
/matches GET Get a list of matches or filter by team ID or team name. team_id: Filter by team ID, team_name: Filter by team name.
/matches/:id GET Get match details by ID.
/matches POST Create a new match. type: Match type, status: Match status, started: Match start date.
/matches/:id PUT Update match details by ID. type: Match type, status: Match status, started: Match start date.
/matches/:id DELETE Delete a match by ID.
/equations GET Get a list of equations or filter by team ID or user ID. team_id: Filter by team ID, user_id: Filter by user ID.
/equations/:id GET Get equation details by ID.
/equations POST Create a new equation. name: Equation name, team_id: Team ID, user_id: User ID, elo_contribute: Elo contribution, content: Equation content.
/equations/:id PUT Update equation details by ID. name: Equation name, team_id: Team ID, user_id: User ID, elo_contribute: Elo contribution, content: Equation content.
/matches/addTeam/:id POST Add a team to a match. equationId: Equation ID, teamId: Team ID, score: Team's score, winner: Boolean indicating if the team won.
/matches/finishMatch/:id POST Finish a match and calculate team Mu and Sigma.

Please note that some endpoints require query parameters to be provided for proper operation. Make sure to replace the :id placeholder in the endpoints with the actual ID when using specific routes. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please refer to the API documentation or contact the API developer for assistance.


Make sure you have docker-compose installed on your machine.

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/Clackroe/MLGameAPI

Next add your database url to .env.example and rename to .env

Build the image:

docker-compose build

Run the container:

docker-compose up -d

The api will now be running on localhost:6001