
Pur Beurre / OC Project 11 is a django app

Primary LanguageHTML


PurBeurre is a website application running on Django. The objective of the app is to purpose a database of products (linked with the OpenFoodFacts database) and to help users in finding a healthy substitute of a product.


  • Python 3.7.2
  • Django 2.1+ (2.1.7 used for developpement)
  • PostGreSQL database with access to parameter in settings.py in the PurBeurre folder
  • All the other required modules are in the requirements.txt file to install before launching the app.

How to install

First clone or download the project. (VirtualEnv is recommended to install the requirements)

$ workon myenv
$ cd "project/folder"
$ pip install -r requirement.txt

Environment variables

The app is already ready for deployment. But if you need to modify things you will need to do this in the settings.py file

  • First enable debug
DEBUG = True
  • Second enable local database
#Production Database
#DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config()}

#Development database
   'default': {
   	'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
   	'NAME': 'purbeurre',
   	'USER': 'django',
   	'PASSWORD': 'django',
   	'HOST': 'localhost',
   	'PORT': '',
  • Finally set local file dir
STATIC_URL =  '/static/
# STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')
# STATICFILES_STORAGE =  'whitenoise.storage.CompressedManifestStaticFilesStorage'

	os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles"),


It is possible to deploy to Heroku or to your own server.


You will need to create one superuser to fill the database. The command for fill the database is in the admin panel.