In this project I got gold and silver prices and dates from 2 URLs and stored them in a PostgreSql database. I built a program that will start an API web-service on port 8080 (using flask) that will return the stored data. I Created an endpoint that will accept HTTP GET with arguments, and returning a json time series, mean and variance computed over the specified period.

screen shot

Table of Contents

Fetch the historical prices and dates

I used the python requests module to get html from the urls, and beautiful soup to extract the required data. the code can be found in the file


I created a database with two tables gold_metals and silver_metals using PostgreSql database, details about the data model can be accessed

Seeding the database

I seeded the database by getting data from the url , details of the seeding can be found

Database output screenshot

screen shot

Commodity endpoint

I used flask to create the endpont, details can be found in the file

Silver output screenshot

screen shot


I used Test case to write the tests, details can be seen in file

Teck stack

Programming: Python 3
Framework: Flask
Database: PostgreSQL
Libraries and Modules: Beautiful Soup , Unittest , requests,sqlAlchamey ,datetime, pandas, json, decimal

Setup and installation

On local machine, go to desired directory. Clone repository:

$ git clone
Create a virtual environment in the directory:

$ virtualenv env
Activate virtual environment:

$ source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create database:

$ createdb goldsilver
Build database:

$ python3 -i

Seed database:

$ python3 -i
Run app:

$ python3
Navigate to localhost:8080 in browser.

Detailed Questions

  1. Please write a program to fetch the historical prices and dates of gold and silver from these 2 URLs:

and store them locally (in a csv file, or other file or database, as you see fit) Please extract the Date and Price fields only from the current static page.

  1. Please write a second program that will start an API web-service on port 8080 (use flask) that will return the stored data Create an endpoint that will accept HTTP GET with following arguments, and returning a json time series, mean and variance computed over the specified period
  • start_date - required (iso format like 2017-05-10)
  • end_date - required (iso format like 2017-05-22)
  • commodity_type - required (gold, silver)

example of calling by using curl: curl ''

  1. Bonuses
  • Using docker/docker compose to wrap the application in containers is a plus.
  • Using mysql database to store data is a plus (order of preference: mysql, postgres, sqlite, csv).
  • Writing unit test cases is a plus.

example of output data: { "data": { "2017-05-10": 1253.06, "2017-05-11": 1280.46, "2017-05-12": 1278.21 } "mean": 1270.57, "variance": 231.39 }